This library scrapes websites and invokes callbacks when there are changes, similar to a RSS reader. Sending an email by invoking sendmail is a built-in callback mechanism. Of course, users can provide their own callback function in addition.
If you need more control over the scraping process (e.g. for using another HTTP method than GET), just open an issue or file a PR.
scrapeChangesJobs :: Either [(Url, [ValidationError])] (IO ())
scrapeChangesJobs = repeatScrapeAll [
-- Checks each minute for changes and sends a mail if there are any
ScrapeSchedule {
_scrapeScheduleCron = "* * * * *" -- std cron format
, _scrapeScheduleConfig = mailScrapeConfig "" -- to scrape
(MailAddr Nothing "") -- from
(MailAddr Nothing "" :| []) -- to
, _scrapeScheduleScraper = scrapeGoogleLogo --scrape function
-- Checks each minute for changes and notifies to syslog if there are any
, ScrapeSchedule {
_scrapeScheduleCron = "* * * * *"
, _scrapeScheduleConfig = otherScrapeConfig ""
(\text -> Logger.infoM thisLogger . show $
"Change detected: " <> text)
, _scrapeScheduleScraper = scrapeGoogleLogo
runJobs :: IO ()
runJobs = (Logger.errorM thisLogger . show) `either` id $ scrapeChangesJobs
Please look at scrape-changes-examples/examples.hs for a full working example