Verify JWT (OIDC id_token) in smart contract, however privacy preserved with the aids of ZK
This repo's circuits mainly aim to show that:
∃ sub : (JWT = sub + nonce + iss + aud) ∧ (H(JWT) = Hjwt) ∧ (H(sub, salt) = Hsub)
Circuit() {
signal input sub; // private input
signal input nonce;
signal input iss;
signal input aud;
signal input hJwt;
signal input hSub;
signal input salt; // private input
signal output ok;
component hashJWT = HashJWT()(sub, nonce, iss, aud);
assert(Hjwt == hashJWT.hash);
component hashSub = Hash()(sub, salt);
assert(Hsub == hashSub.hash);
output <== 1;
component main{public: [nonce, iss, aud, hJwt, hSub]} = Circuit();
Note that the actual implementation may differ.
Also, we need npx
$ npm install -g npx
The powers of tau
file is used when generating zkey, so download one.
$ wget
Make sure to install node modules.
$ npm install
Run below commands to compile circuits using circom:
$ mkdir build
$ circom jwt.circom --r1cs --wasm -o ./build
Run below command to test JWT verification using ZK.
$ npx hardhat run jwt.js
The script includes the following steps:
- Generate zkey from compiled ZK circuit
- Calcuate witness
- Generate ZK proof
- Verify generated ZK proof (with snarkjs)
- Generate solidity file for verifying JWT with ZK
- Compile contracts
- Deploy contracts
- Verify JWT on-chain
The output shows times took in each steps.
Successfully verified JWT!
init time: 1
zkey time: 60249
wtns time: 582
prove time: 4977
verify time: 189
sol time: 343
compile time: 39
deploy time: 1011
ZK verify time: 1226
(measure) dummy contract time: 10
(measure) RSA verify only time: 74
zkContract size: 2262
result: true
- Verify Poseidon hash
- Verify timestamps
- Use oracles for JWKS and time