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A collection of JupyterHub deployments with hubploy by 2i2c.


  1. User documentation:
  2. Admin documentation:

How to deploy changes to an existing hub

This section shows how to install new R packages and deploy the changes to a cluster.

Step 0: Set up your pre-requisites

Make sure you have the following packages installed and configured:

Step 1: Install additional R packages

  1. The current list of existing clusters use repo2docker to build the Docker image. In order to install new R packages, add them to their corespondig configuration file: <deployments/<hub-image>/image/install.R

  2. The packages listed in the install.R file are installed using devtools

  • Add the pkgs available on Cran to the cran_packages list. These packages will be installed using devtools::install_version.
  • Add the pkgs that are only available on GitHub to the github_packages list. These packages will be installed using devtools::install_github.
  1. Pin every package to their current versions, available on the R Studio package manager or to a specific wanted version. If the package is only available on GitHub, pin to a git commit hash.

  2. Build the Docker image locally and make sure everything is ok.

       # from inside the image directory
       docker build .
  3. Commit the changes to git, for hubploy build <hub-name> --push --check-registry to work, since the commit hash is used as the image tag.

Step 2: Deploy the changes to the hub

  1. Make sure you have the right gcloud project set:

       gcloud config set project <project>
  2. Get the user access credentials used by hubploy and sops GCP KMS:

       gcloud auth application-default login
  3. Retrieve the authentication token and pass it to the docker login command to authenticate to the Amazon ECR registry. When retrieving the password, ensure that you specify the same region that your Amazon ECR registry exists in.

       aws ecr get-login-password --region <amazon-ECR-registry-region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<amazon-ECR-registry-region>
  4. Build and push the Docker image with hubploy:

       hubploy build <cluster-name> --check-registry --push
  5. Authenticate into the cluster:

       aws eks update-kubeconfig --name=<cluster-name>
  6. Deploy the changes to the staging hub and make sure everything works as expected:

       hubploy deploy <hub-name> hub staging


    • Each hub will always have two versions - a staging hub that isn’t used by actual users, and a production hub that is. These two should be kept as similar as possible, so you can fearlessly test stuff on the staging hub without feaer that it is going to crash & burn when deployed to production.

    • Make sure your IAM role has enough persmissions to deploy. Check with the cluster admin if a 401 Unautorized error appers when deploying.

  7. Deploy the changes to the production hub:

       hubploy deploy <hub-name> hub prod

How to use an unreleased helm chart

Sometimes you might need to use the latest version of a helm chart and that isn't yet released. The following steps shows how to do so for the DaskHub project, but the pattern should be replicable for others.

  1. Clone the repo holding the latest version of the helm-chart and checkout the wanted branch:

    DaskHub example:

    git clone
    git checkout master
  2. Reference the version of the unpackaged Helm chart (of the locally cloned git repository) in the dependencies yaml file of your project (either requirements.yaml or Chart.yaml). This version should be available in theChart.yaml file (of the cloned repository). If the version is set to be a placeholder or outdated, it may be because it is maintained using chartpress, then run chartpress in that repository first to update it.

    DaskHub example:

      - name: daskhub
        repository: file://<path-to-your-daskhub-checkout>/daskhub
        version: <version-from-chart.yaml-of-daskhub>
  3. Run an update any time the dependencies (in requirements.yaml or Chart.yaml) of the chart you just cloned changes.

    DaskHub example:

    # from inside the dask/helm-chart checkout
    helm dep up daskhub
  4. Deploy the changes.

How to ssh into your hub

The OHW and Farallon hubs use the jupyterhub-ssh project, allowing straightforward SSH access into the hubs. To gain SSH access to your user environment in OHW or Farallon hubs, follow the next steps:

  1. Login into your JupyterHub and go to the API token request page of the hub you want to SSH into:

  2. Request a new API token and copy it.

  3. SSH into JupyterHub using the username you used to request a new token from the Hub and the Hub address:

     $ ssh <username-you-used-to-login>


     $ ssh <username-you-used-to-login>
  4. Enter the token received from JupyterHub as a password.

    Note: If the Notebook server isn't running, jupyterhub-ssh will try to start it for you. But this takes a while. If you get a timeout error about the server spawning process like this one:

    Starting your server...............................failed to start server on time!

    You should first start the notebook server from the JupyterHub page or try a few times, until the server starts.

  5. TADA 🎉 Now you have an interactive terminal! You can do anything you would generally interactively do via ssh: run editors, fully interactive programs, use the commandline, etc. Some features like non-interactive command running, tunneling, etc are currently unavailable.