This Repository include proof of concept to build virtual personal assistant that can control our IoT device to watering the plants in the front garden. This project will combine a few technologies such as NLP, IoT, SpeechAPI, etc. This Repostiory have Documentation in Bahasa and English
In order to run all section on the application, we need a few things to prepare
- NodeMCU ESP8266
- DHT22 Sensors
- Relay Module
- Browsers who support API
- Docker & Docker-Compose
- NodeJS, NPM & Typescript
- Arduino IDE
git clone
npm install
docker-compose up
cp .env.example .env
Use the source code on arduino/pompa.ino
then compile it.
Please make sure the configuration is correct.
Open src/frontend.html
then set the configuration.
npm run dev
Now, you can access at http://localhost:3000/dashboard