Note: two links in the footer go to pages in dnn 9.6, which uses a 9.6 api. if you remove them, it also works in v7/8
A clean, prepared bootstrap5 skin for DNN (DotNetNuke), ready to make awesomeness - ideally combined with bootstrap content-templates.
- This theme needs the 2Shine BS5 Container to work, but this gets installed automatically for you when you install the theme with the installer.
- Check out other DNN Bootstrap Skins like:
- And it's awesome together with professional content-templates like
This theme is a layout/skin for the CMS DNN based on Bootstrap5 and SASS. It allows you to create simple custom designs within minutes and complex designs within a few hours. This is why it's called instant.
- A clean, best-practices, responsive Bootstrap 5 Skin / Theme
- ...based on SASS, with a set of variables-files to customize layouts in minutes
- An e-mail encryptor to encrypt mail addresses in the layout
- A SEO-title optimizer
- An automatic svg integration for responsive logos
- Layout footer implementing SEO microformats
- NPM for all dependencies
- Webpack to process the sass/typescript into the resulting CSS/Javascript
- Default - Floating content on background, full-width sticky-header
- Fullscreen - Modules can use the full width to set backgrounds
- Centered - Content and Menu are max-width, background to right and left
- Centered-Submenu - Paged/floating content with submenu to the left
- Float-WideHeader - Paged/floating content with wide header
For a detailed documentation go here
You now have created the layout within minutes or hours, but you're still missing the perfectly designed inner pieces, like tile-lists, content-accordeons, galleries, sliders, blogs and more. Fortunately these are both super-easy to add and use the same mechanisms for design. They can even re-use the variables of your skin, to automatically match look and feel :)
To get the awesome designed content, install 2sxc and the default Bootstrap 5 content-templates.
- Rebranded 2Shine with new colors and logo
- Introduced a new comment convention for better accessibility
- Made minor changes to the overall code structure
- Refactored the Components folder and moved files to the new Utils folder
- improved CSS Variables
- bugfixes
- added bootstrap components
- clean up
- Improvement of CSS variables
- Refactoring
- Uses CSS Variables to customize your style
- Updated NPM Packages
- Bootstrap made a big update with many bug fixes and many new features
- Added NPM Script to copy node_modules bootstrap and update bootstrap files in lib folder
- Refactoring
- w3c
- folder renaming
- bugfixes
- Cleaned up resource files as they were all the same
- Enhanced lookup of file name to not repeat unnecessarily
- Slimmed down resx files to the necessary minimum
- Added boolean to determin if Breadcrumbs should be displayed
- Added boolean to determin how many nodes should be selected for the desktop navigation (disables Dropdown if "*,0,0" is set)
- removed node-sass, added sass
- removed unnecessary packages
- fixed :visited link style in navigation
- Renamed body classes
- tab -> page
- portal -> site
- tab-level -> nav-level
Daniel & Tom