This repo contains the markdown source files for our paper. It's written in markdown, though heavenly injected with LaTeX. This is because we use pandoc for converting: markdown -> LaTeX -> pdf.
This repo:
- 00_*.md kind of files are the source files. They will all be squashed together and converted when running:
- create. It's a 'bash script' (well...) which just runs pandoc with all given commands. So you can make use of:
. Here is the bibtex file. Also a csl file for apa style.img/
contains all images.- prothesehand.pdf is the output file. The result. El resultado. Exitus.
- Download or clone1 this repo
- Install pandoc and pandoc-citeproc
- Terminal: Go to the folder 'profielwerkstuk' (
cd path/to/profielwerkstuk
) - Terminal:
bash createfile
to create the pdf output
- In terminal:
git clone git://
or clone via Github Desktop.