By Aneeljyot Alagh, Curtis Kan, Joshua Ji, Pratham Arora, Vedant Vyas, and William Tran.
This project uses Google's App Engine to convert speech to text and detect sus audio. Pydub adds a funni vine boom sound effect every time there is a sus trigger word.
- React-animation to animate the Among Us figures (or, alternatively, to trap the Among Us players forever).
- Styled-components for styling.
- React-icons for the record button.
- React-bootstrap for styling.
- React-audio-player for the website audio player.
- mic-recorder-to-mp3 to save recorded audio to a file for upload.
- Axios for HTTP requests.
- Flask for the backend server.
- Google Cloud Speech, along with the Python speech_recognition library.
- Google Cloud Storage to store the audio files.
- Google App Engine) to run the backend server.
- PyDub to manipulate the audio files.
The website uses ReactJS and records audio, processes it, and returns the sussified audio clip.
It also has some animated crewmate flare and pictures of the Rock to reinforce the sus detector.