This small Windows Forms Application simply organizes your files in categorized folders, based on the file extensions.
I have made 20 categories as of now, but feel free to make changes and make it as practical as possible.
Following are the categories used and the extensions that come under them:
Audio: ".mp3", ".wav", ".wma", ".rm", ".ogg", ".mid", ".m4a", ".mpa", ".m3u"
Video: ".wmv", ".m4v", ".vob ", ".mp4", ".mov", "mkv", ".avi", ".divx", ".mpeg", ".mpg", ".m4p", ".flv", ".webm", ".3gp"
Document: ".docx", ".doc", ".txt", ".xls", ".pdf", ".rtf", ".tex", ".wpd", ".xlsx", ".pptx", ".ppt"
Code: "vbs", ".c", ".h", ".vb", ".xhtml", ".rss", ".cpp", ".java", ".php", ".html", ".css", ".py", ".aspx", ".json", ".js", ".jsp", ".do", ".htm", ".cfm", ".xml", ".xaml", ".pl", ".asp", ".fs", ".cs", ".sln"
Images: ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".tiff", ".gif", ".bmp", ".svg", ".psd", ".tiff"
Data: ".csv", ".dat", ".raw", ".sdf", ".vcf", ".xml"
Database: ".db", ".accdb", ".accdc", ".adb", ".cdb", ".dbc", ".dbf", ".dbs", ".mdb", ".mdf", ".odb", ".sdb", ".sqlite", ".sqlite3", ".sqlitedb", ".xld", ".pdb"
Executable: ".apk", ".exe", ".app", ".bat", ".cgi", ".com", ".gadget", ".jar", ".pif", ".wsf", ".msi", ".bin", ".inf"
Subtitle: ".srt", "sub", ".sbv", ".ifo", ".idx"
Certificate: ".cer", ".cert", ".pem", ".ssl", ".crt", ".csr", ".pfx", ".crl", ".stl", ".key"
Shortcuts: ".lnk"
Plugins: ".crx", ".plugin", ".xpi"
Fonts: ".ttf", ".fnt", ".fon", ".otf"
SystemFile: ".cab", ".sys", ".cpl", ".ico", ".drv", ".cur"
Config: ".cfg", ".ini", ".dll"
Compressed: ".7z", ".rar", ".zip", ".deb", ".pkg", ".tar.gz"
ISO: ".iso", ".dmg", ".vcd", ".mdf"
Backup: ".bak", ".tmp"
Torrents: ".torrent"
Misc: ".crdownload", ".part", ".aup", ".orig", ""