Just a OSEP Cheat Sheet for my examination preparation.
- Multi AV Scanning Online Tool - Anti Scan Me.
- Plateform Invocation Services (P/Invoke)
- DotNetToJScript
- SharpHound
- SharpShooter
- Rubeus
- SpoolSample
- ProcDump
- PrintSpoofer
- Mimikatz
- MiniDump
- Mimikatz PowerShell Version
- Microsoft SQL Linked Servers Attacks - SQLinks2Move
- AMSI & CLM Bypass
- Alternate Data Strem - Basic Bypass
- FodHelper - UAC Bypass
- Connection Rate Limit Bypass
- Private tmp systemd Bypass
- Payloads List
- DLL Injection with C#
- Powershell - Reflective DLL Injection
- Powershell Shellcode Runner
- JScript - Basic Dropper
- SharpShooter - JScript Shellcode Runner
- ELF Simple Payload
- VBA Simple Shellcode (Macro)
- HTA Payload - C# Shellcode Runner and DotNetToJScript
- Chisel - Reverse RDP Proxying
- SharpRDP - RDP as Console
- Owning The Forest - Enumeration
- Owning The Forest - Extra SIDs
- Owning The Forest - Printers Bug
- Abusing Spools Services using Rubeus, SpoolSample and Mimikatz.
- Kerberos - Constrained Delegation
- Kerberos - Resource-Based Constrained Delegation (GenericWrite & PowerMad)
- Kerberos - Unconstrained Delegation
- PowerMad - Exploiting GenericWrite
- Abusing WriteDACL
- Abusing GenericAll
- Dump LSASS Process
- Mimikatz - Pass The Hashes and Restricted Admin Mode
- Windows Credentials - LAPS
- Windows Credentials - SAM Database and Decryption