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Restore 'eventuals' needed script #46

Restore 'eventuals' needed script

Restore 'eventuals' needed script #46

# Checks that our code remains in a healthy state.
name: Code formatting
# Run CI (only) on our main branch to show that it is always in a green
# state. Don't run it on other branches; if a developer cares about one
# of the non-main branches they'll run tests manually.
- "main"
# Run CI on pull requests. Passing checks will be required to merge.
- "**"
# Have at most one of these workflows running per branch, cancelling older
# runs that haven't completed yet when they become obsolete.
# When pushing new commits to a PR, each one of those commits triggers a new
# workflow run that would normally run to completion, even when subsequent
# pushes to the PR make their result obsolete. This consumes resources for no
# benefit. We override that default behavior to save resources, cancelling any
# older still-running workflows when a new workflow starts
# See documentation about the `github` context variables here:
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
# Do not cancel runs on the main branch. On the main branch we want every
# commit to be tested.
cancel-in-progress: ${{ github.ref != 'refs/heads/main' }}
name: Code Formatting Check
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# We need the submodules in order to pick up the `dev-tools/.style.yapf`.
# The private submodules need to get pulled using some credentials.
# We can choose between Deploy Keys and Personal Access Tokens.
# Deploy Keys only work for one repo, and we can only specify one per
# `checkout`, which means we can only pull one submodule per
# `checkout` - untenable given our already-large-and-growing nested
# tree of submodules. A Personal Access Token (PAT) lets us identify
# ourselves as a GitHub user; if we use a dedicated user for that
# purpose that's about equally powerful as a large collection of
# Deploy Keys would be, but works for all repositories that we need to
# pull, allowing us to do a single `checkout` to get our full source
# tree. Hence we have our `Rebot` user, and use a PAT for that user.
submodules: recursive
# Call the composite action to check files
# for correct code style. This action (action.yml)
# is also used by other repos that submodule this repo.
- uses: ./check-code-style
os: ubuntu-latest