A cli tool for bitbucket and jira similar to gh written in go
Currently under development
The full documentation is on the wiki of this project:
go install -ldflags="-s -w"
This is an example of possible config options:
A full example can be seen in bb.example.yaml
or ./bb.yaml
# Authentication options for Bitbucket
username: fabio_almeida_vo2
# Authentication options for Jira
jira_domain: XXXXXXXXX # In https://<your-domain>.atlassian.net
email: your@email.com
# Extra options:
# include branch name at beggining of the pull request (useful to link with jira tickets)
include_branch_name: true
# define custom text icons or text for jira_status, jira_types, pr_status or pipeline_status. The format is as follows:
# identifier:
# values: ["State 1", "State 2"] # this is the string that matches the state being printed
# color: "1;34" # the ANSII sequence for the color used. if I want to remove icon 1;38;5;235;44
# text: "ACTUAL STATE" # string printed, takes precedence over icon
# icon: "ﲊ" # icon to display
# examples bellow:
values: ["In Progress", "In Progress_T"]
icon: ""
color: "1;34"
values: ["À FAIRE"]
icon: ""
color: "1;33"
Generate completion for your shell with bb completion <your-shell>
and save the content in your completions directory
For example for bash
bb completion bash | sudo tee /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/bb.bash >/dev/null
Use the help command to display usage information for each command
bb help
bb help [COMMAND]
- issue list - add way to sort by recent or the ones the user has participated on
- issue log - is broken, and doesn't use current branch as issue key
- issue edit - edit issue title and maybe some tags
- View/Edit issue checklist
- pr list - add timings information with a flag