This system is not maintained anymore. It was renamed to Reblocks and now lives at
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- travis-config
- more-logging-and-js-backend-fix
- documentation
- Move from raw Hunchentoot to Clack.
- Refactor dependencies processing.
- Write easy to understand, working tutorials.
- Make jquery backend default.
- Extract all widgets into a separate system and make them use bootstrap by default.
Will be able to use different http servers, not only Hunchentoot.
Use this:
instead of:
(md5 (hunchentoot::create-random-string 10 36))
in (generate-action-code)
How to do this with clack and ningle???
All tests:
(rove:run :weblocks-test)
or you can run test for some package:
(rove:run :weblocks-test/dependencies)
Single test:
(rove:run-test 'weblocks-test/dependencies::render-js-dependency)
From command line:
rove weblocks.asd
There were very many refactorings. Check ChangeLog.rst
After some issues were resolved, I've got this result running stefil tests:
Test Report for WEBLOCKS-SUITE: 366 tests run, 732 Errors.
Started to port tests to Prove.
Licensed under the LLGPL License.