High-level Ensemble Network implementations in Python. Built on top of NetworkX and Pandas.
Compatible for Python 3.
pandas >= 1
scipy >= 1
networkx >= 2
matplotlib >= 3
soothsayer_utils >= 2021.03.08
compositional >= 2020.05.19
- Nabwera HM+, Espinoza JL+, Worwui A, Betts M, Okoi C, Sesay AK, Bancroft R, Agbla SC, Jarju S, Bradbury RS, Colley M, Jallow AT, Liu J, Houpt ER, Prentice AM, Antonio M, Bernstein RM, Dupont CL+, Kwambana-Adams BA+. Interactions between fecal gut microbiome, enteric pathogens, and energy regulating hormones among acutely malnourished rural Gambian children. EBioMedicine. 2021 Oct 22;73:103644. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103644. PMID: 34695658.
# Stable release (Preferred)
pip install ensemble_networkx
# Current developmental release
pip install git+https://github.com/jolespin/ensemble_networkx
- Migrated from
Documentation will be released upon version 1.0 once API is stabilized.
import ensemble_networkx as enx
Simple case of an iris dataset ensemble network
# Load in data
import soothsayer_utils as syu
X,y = syu.get_iris_data(["X", "y"])
# Create ensemble network
ens = enx.EnsembleAssociationNetwork(name="Iris", node_type="leaf measurement", edge_type="association", observation_type="specimen")
ens.fit(X=X, metric="spearman", n_iter=100, stats_summary=[np.mean,np.var, stats.kurtosis, stats.skew], stats_tests=[stats.normaltest], copy_ensemble=True)
# =======================================================
# EnsembleAssociationNetwork(Name:Iris, Metric: spearman)
# =======================================================
# * Number of nodes (leaf measurement): 4
# * Number of edges (association): 6
# * Observation type: specimen
# ---------------------------------------------------
# | Parameters
# ---------------------------------------------------
# * n_iter: 100
# * sampling_size: 92
# * random_state: 0
# * with_replacement: False
# * transformation: None
# * memory: 16.156 KB
# ---------------------------------------------------
# | Data
# ---------------------------------------------------
# * Features (n=150, m=4, memory=10.859 KB)
# * Ensemble (memory=4.812 KB)
# * Statistics (['mean', 'var', 'kurtosis', 'skew', 'normaltest|stat', 'normaltest|p_value'], memory=496 B)
# View ensemble
# Edges (sepal_width, sepal_length) (sepal_length, petal_length) \
# Iterations
# 0 -0.113835 0.880407
# 1 -0.243982 0.883397
# 2 -0.108511 0.868627
# 3 -0.151437 0.879405
# 4 -0.241807 0.869027
# View statistics
# Statistics mean var kurtosis skew \
# Edges
# (sepal_width, sepal_length) -0.167746 0.002831 0.191176 0.287166
# (sepal_length, petal_length) 0.880692 0.000268 -0.107437 0.235619
# (petal_width, sepal_length) 0.834140 0.000442 -0.275487 -0.219778
# (sepal_width, petal_length) -0.304403 0.003472 -0.363377 0.059179
# (sepal_width, petal_width) -0.285237 0.003466 -0.606118 0.264103
# Create ensemble network
sspn_rho = enx.SampleSpecificPerturbationNetwork(name="Iris", node_type="leaf measurement", edge_type="association", observation_type="specimen")
sspn_rho.fit(X=X, y=y, metric="rho", reference="setosa", n_iter=100, stats_summary=[np.mean,np.var], copy_ensemble=True)
# ============================================================================
# SampleSpecificPerturbationNetwork(Name:Iris, Reference: setosa, Metric: rho)
# ============================================================================
# * Number of nodes (leaf measurement): 4
# * Number of edges (association): 6
# * Observation type: specimen
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * n_iter: 100
# * sampling_size: 30
# * random_state: 0
# * with_replacement: False
# * transformation: None
# * memory: 518.875 KB
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Data
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Features (n=150, m=4, memory=10.859 KB)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Intermediate
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Reference Ensemble (memory=208 B)
# * Sample-specific Ensembles (memory=20.312 KB)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Terminal
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Ensemble (memory=468.750 KB)
# * Statistics (['mean', 'var', 'normaltest|stat', 'normaltest|p_value'], memory=18.750 KB)
# Coordinates:
# * Samples (Samples) object 'iris_50' 'iris_51' ... 'iris_148' 'iris_149'
# * Iterations (Iterations) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
# * Edges (Edges) object frozenset({'sepal_width', 'sepal_length'}) ... frozenset({'petal_width', 'petal_length'})
# Coordinates:
# * Samples (Samples) object 'iris_50' 'iris_51' ... 'iris_148' 'iris_149'
# * Edges (Edges) object frozenset({'sepal_width', 'sepal_length'}) ... frozenset({'petal_width', 'petal_length'})
# * Statistics (Statistics) <U18 'mean' 'var' ... 'normaltest|p_value'
# View ensemble
print(*repr(sspn_rho.ensemble_).split("\n")[-4:], sep="\n")
# Coordinates:
# * Samples (Samples) object 'iris_50' 'iris_51' ... 'iris_148' 'iris_149'
# * Iterations (Iterations) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
# * Edges (Edges) object frozenset({'sepal_width', 'sepal_length'}) ... frozenset({'petal_width', 'petal_length'})
# View statistics
print(*repr(sspn_rho.stats_).split("\n")[-4:], sep="\n")
# Coordinates:
# * Samples (Samples) object 'iris_50' 'iris_51' ... 'iris_148' 'iris_149'
# * Edges (Edges) object frozenset({'sepal_width', 'sepal_length'}) ... frozenset({'petal_width', 'petal_length'})
# * Statistics (Statistics) <U18 'mean' 'var' ... 'normaltest|p_value'
# View SSPN for a particular sample
graph = sspn_rho.to_networkx("iris_50")
# ('sepal_width',
# 'sepal_length',
# {'mean': 0.04004398613232575,
# 'var': 0.0011399047127054046,
# 'normaltest|stat': 6.063925790957182,
# 'normaltest|p_value': 0.04822089259665142})
# Custom association function
def inverse_kullbackleibler(a,b, base=2):
return 1/stats.entropy(pk=a, qk=b, base=base)
# Create ensemble network
sspn_kl = enx.SampleSpecificPerturbationNetwork(name="Iris", node_type="leaf measurement", edge_type="association", observation_type="specimen")
sspn_kl.fit(X=X, y=y, metric=inverse_kullbackleibler, reference="setosa", n_iter=100, stats_summary=[np.mean,np.var], function_is_pairwise=False, copy_ensemble=True)
# ================================================================================================
# SampleSpecificPerturbationNetwork(Name:Iris, Reference: setosa, Metric: inverse_kullbackleibler)
# ================================================================================================
# * Number of nodes (leaf measurement): 4
# * Number of edges (association): 6
# * Observation type: specimen
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Parameters
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * n_iter: 100
# * sampling_size: 30
# * random_state: 0
# * with_replacement: False
# * transformation: None
# * memory: 518.875 KB
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Data
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Features (n=150, m=4, memory=10.859 KB)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Intermediate
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Reference Ensemble (memory=208 B)
# * Sample-specific Ensembles (memory=20.312 KB)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Terminal
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Ensemble (memory=468.750 KB)
# * Statistics (['mean', 'var', 'normaltest|stat', 'normaltest|p_value'], memory=18.750 KB)
# View ensemble
print(*repr(sspn_kl.ensemble_).split("\n")[-4:], sep="\n")
# Coordinates:
# * Samples (Samples) object 'iris_50' 'iris_51' ... 'iris_148' 'iris_149'
# * Iterations (Iterations) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# * Edges (Edges) object frozenset({'sepal_width', 'sepal_length'}) ... frozenset({'petal_width', 'petal_length'})
# View statistics
print(*repr(sspn_kl.stats_).split("\n")[-4:], sep="\n")
# Coordinates:
# * Samples (Samples) object 'iris_50' 'iris_51' ... 'iris_148' 'iris_149'
# * Edges (Edges) object frozenset({'sepal_width', 'sepal_length'}) ... frozenset({'petal_width', 'petal_length'})
# * Statistics (Statistics) <U18 'mean' 'var' ... 'normaltest|p_value'
# View SSPN for a particular sample
graph = sspn_kl.to_networkx("iris_50")
# ('sepal_width',
# 'sepal_length',
# {'mean': -130.40664983969182,
# 'var': 2083.5807070609085,
# 'normaltest|stat': 15.2616635290025,
# 'normaltest|p_value': 0.00048525707083011354})
from soothsayer_utils import get_iris_data
from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd
import ensemble_networkx as enx
X, y = get_iris_data(["X","y"])
# Usage
CEF = enx.CategoricalEngineeredFeature(name="Iris", observation_type="sample")
# Add categories
category_1 = pd.Series(X.columns.map(lambda x:x.split("_")[0]), X.columns)
# Optionally add scaling factors, statistical tests, and summary statistics
# Compile all of the data
CEF.compile(scaling_factors=X.sum(axis=0), stats_tests=[stats.normaltest])
# Unpacking engineered groups: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 2974.68it/s]
# Organizing feature sets: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 17403.75it/s]
# Compiling synopsis [Basic Feature Info]: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 32768.00it/s]
# Compiling synopsis [Scaling Factor Info]: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 238.84it/s]
# View the engineered features
# initial_features number_of_features leaf_type(level:0) scaling_factors sum(scaling_factors) mean(scaling_factors) sem(scaling_factors) std(scaling_factors)
# leaf_type
# sepal [sepal_width, sepal_length] 2 sepal [458.6, 876.5] 1335.1 667.55 208.95 208.95
# petal [petal_length, petal_width] 2 petal [563.7, 179.90000000000003] 743.6 371.8 191.9 191.9
# Transform a dataset using the defined categories
CEF.fit_transform(X, aggregate_fn=np.sum)
# leaf_type sepal petal
# sample
# iris_0 8.6 1.6
# iris_1 7.9 1.6
# iris_2 7.9 1.5
# iris_3 7.7 1.7