Simple on-chain access controller contract. This contract permit an on-chain registration mechanism with a concept of slots.
Owner can specify a number of slots (maxSlotsCount
). Everyone is able to register
to get a slot. When the slotUsedCount
eq the maxSlotsCount
there is no more space to register.
With this simple approach you can use an on-chain contract to manage accesses of your contracts or even of your frontends. This is a very useful tool when you want to give progessive access.
The contract has three state variables:
func AccessController_maxSlotsCount() -> (max: felt):
func AccessController_slotUsedCount() -> (entries: felt):
func AccessController_whitelist(address: felt) -> (whitelisted: felt):
When deploying the contract you have to pass two args:
initial_allowed_access: felt, # Number of initial slots available
owner_address: felt # Owner of the contract who will be able to increase # of slots
Once you deployed the contract, you can increase the number of maximum slots available. To do that make a transaction by invoking the increaseMaxSlots
function from the owner wallet. The argument is increase_max_slots_by
which is the number of slots you want to add.
Other useful functions can be found here
Using this contract is deadsimple. First of all import ABI and create your Contract
import { Contract, json } from "starknet";
const compiledARFController = json.parse(JSON.stringify(arfControllerAbi));
arfControllerContract: new Contract(
Verify if an address is allowed/registered:
.then((response: CallContractResponse) => {
// response.is_allowed
Permit a user to register in order to get a free slot:
.invoke("register", [])
.then((response: AddTransactionResponse) => {
// Transaction added
}).catch(() => {
// Error
Check the number of available slots:
.then((response: CallContractResponse) => {
// response.free_slots_count
This contract has been used for Alpha Road during the first Testnet phases of the launch of our first offering: a one-click revisited AMM.
First, install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
Run all tests:
Run a specific test:
pytest tests/ -k test_transfer_ownership_should_fail_when_caller_is_not_owner
To make our tests readable we use a standard linter: flake8
Run linter:
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=120 --statistics
Flake will only act as linter and will not help you to fix/format your python files. We recommend using: yapf
yapf --recursive --style='{based_on_style: pep8, column_limit: 120, indent_width: 4}' -i tests
Feel free to improve this by providing a PR.