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Section Keybase (basic)

geleeroyale edited this page Nov 17, 2019 · 2 revisions

⚠️ Remember to create a dedicated Keybase user (a new account specifically for the bot).

# Install Keybase on the server running matterbridge (
# Log into the bot account on your server

# Your bot account MUST already have access to the provided team or subteam!
RemoteNickFormat="[{PROTOCOL}/{BRIDGE}] <{NICK}> "

Headless server install + systemd

If you run matterbridge as a service in systemd and want to use a bridge with keybase, be sure to run the service as the default user via user.slice, since keybase also runs its services in user.slice.

Example service

Create a matterbridge.service -> /usr/lib/systemd/user/ ->




Start service - systemctl --user start matterbridge.service

Stop service - systemctl --user stop matterbridge.service

Check Status - systemctl --user status matterbridge.service

Start at System Startup - systemctl --user enable matterbridge.service

If you are using an SSH session, user services might shut down, use this to prevent: loginctl enable-linger

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