Please list any issues with on the Issues page
Assuming you have a working knowledge of MAMP/WAMP/XAMP, address one of the issues on the Issues page as follows:
'Fork' the repository (help) to your own github account
'Clone in Desktop' and use the recommended source control tool or SourceTree to start creating a local development environment
OS X: Open terminal, type 'sudo pico /etc/hosts' and add '' to the line starting ''
OS X: Open httpd.conf and, replacing YOUR_PATH with the location to which you forked the repository, add:
<VirtualHost *> DocumentRoot "YOUR_PATH" ServerName </VirtualHost>
Copy the contents of wp-config-development-sample.php to wp-config-develompent.php
Create a new MySQL database '4water_dev' - if default user 'root' with password 'root' doesn't have access to this database, modify wp-config-development.php accordingly
Load in your browser - you can still see the live/production website at
Create the content required to reproduce your target issue and test it's correction
Once corrected commit your changes to your repository, open your repository on GitHub, go to 'Pull Requests' and create a new pull request to submit your change for review and ultimately deployment to