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Please list any issues with on the Issues page


Assuming you have a working knowledge of MAMP/WAMP/XAMP, address one of the issues on the Issues page as follows:

  • 'Fork' the repository (help) to your own github account

  • 'Clone in Desktop' and use the recommended source control tool or SourceTree to start creating a local development environment

  • OS X: Open terminal, type 'sudo pico /etc/hosts' and add '' to the line starting ''

  • OS X: Open httpd.conf and, replacing YOUR_PATH with the location to which you forked the repository, add:

      <VirtualHost *>
          DocumentRoot "YOUR_PATH"
  • Copy the contents of wp-config-development-sample.php to wp-config-develompent.php

  • Create a new MySQL database '4water_dev' - if default user 'root' with password 'root' doesn't have access to this database, modify wp-config-development.php accordingly

  • Load in your browser - you can still see the live/production website at

  • Create the content required to reproduce your target issue and test it's correction

  • Once corrected commit your changes to your repository, open your repository on GitHub, go to 'Pull Requests' and create a new pull request to submit your change for review and ultimately deployment to