This repo contains an extract of the public DoD Procurement (P-1) and RDTE (R-1) justification book exhibits submitted by the US DoD Military Departments and Defense Agencies into multiple data formats to allow analysts / users to use their tool of choice when analyzing and/or merging with other data sources.
The extract includes Master Justification Books and Justification Books for:
- 2013 base budget
- 2014 base / amended budget
- 2015 base / amended budget
- 2016 base budget
- 2017 base budget
- 2018 base / amended budget
- 2019 base budget
- 2020 base / amended
Unfort, prior to 2013, there were no machine readable files attached to the justification books to extract data from.
Included in the 0-jbook-pdf
folder are the PDF files downloaded from the the DoD / Service budget sites and the extracted attachments (which is where the XML representation of the justificaton books is stored in addition to other attachments used to build the justification book).
The URLs that were used for the download are included in a JSON file at the root of the 0-jbook-pdf
folder "per year".
For example, there is a file [2020]_jbook_list.json
that includes the URL that was used to download the files for that year.
NOTE: In some cases for the older files, the URLs are no longer valid since the sites where the PDFs are hosted have evolved / changed over time. Most of the older files were downloaded when first released and the URL listed would have been the URL at that time.
All of the relevant JustificationBook / MasterJustificationBook XML files have been copied to a single folder 1-jbook-xml
prior to further processing.
This folder contains a JSON representation of each of the XML files contained in 1-jbook-pdf
following a conversion of the XML to JSON.
Each folder contains the "list" of PROCUREMENT line items / RDTE program elements, respectively in JSON format.
Each line item / program element is stored in a single unique file (1 file per line item, 1 file per program element).
Each "extracted" line item / program element includes all of the relevant data in the jbook in addition to meta data about the Justification Book / Master Justification Book it originated from:
"id": "2013-AirForce-PB-3010F-JBOOK-026f85e74aee51714fbee693317b5b3bce771c38d0fcd6c64630159e60da55da-0",
"meta": {
"filename": "2013-BASE_PROCUREMENT-2013-AIRFORCE_AIRCRAFT_VOL2-JustificationBook_Air_Force_PB_2013.zzz_unzipped-JustificationBook_Air_Force_PB_2013.xml",
"budget_year": "2013",
"budget_cycle": "PB",
"submission_date": "2012-02",
"service_agency_name": "Air Force",
"appropriation_code": "3010F",
"appropriation_name": "Aircraft Procurement, Air Force"
"record": {
"@quantityUnits": "Each",
"@quantityUnitName": "Each",
"@unitCostUnits": "Millions",
"@totalCostUnits": "Millions",
"LineItemNumber": {
"val": "32"
"LineItemTitle": {
"val": "B-2 Mods"
... etc...
Each folder contains the "list" of PROCUREMENT line items / RDTE program elements, respectively in CSV format.
The CSV conversion from JSON to CSV results in a "file" per subject area within a line item / program element using the JSON structure as a guide of what can be "flattened" into rows and what requires a separate file to represent another list of rows.
Within each folder is a
and ERD
that shows the list of tables, columns and structure.
"Root" represents the highest level subject area - and all other subject areas are structured under root (see ERD for structural details).
NOTE: Each CSV file is "zipped" due to file size.
The DOT file follows the GraphViz format ( and is used to render the PDF / PNG file.
The DOT file follows the GraphViz format ( and is used to render the PDF / PNG file.
Contained in each folder is also a *-j
zip file that contains a JSON representation of the data just prior to the CSV conversion. This was mainly used for troubleshooting, but also may be helpful when importing the data in cases where a flattened JSON representation may be easier to parse / ingest / review than the CSV.
The attached process.php
includes all of the code used to process the files (in coordination with a few libraries which are also included in the repo).
This diagram highlights the overall flow of the processing steps:
To run processs.php
CLI you will need to have the following installed:
- PHP 7.1.x
- PDFtk CLI (within PDFtk Free) -
- QPDF -
- Graphviz - (used to dynamically build ERD)
All extracts have been done on Mac OSX and/or AWS linux - and most likely will be incompatible with Windows during various steps.
- Prepare
following the format of the other files and then run the CLI:
$ php process.php --step 0-download-jbooks --jbook-list [YEAR]_jbook_list.json
When downloading XML files for the year, the entire
folder is removed and recreated on each run of the script. Therefore, if downloads are interrupted you will have to re-download the files to ensure all files are downloaded.
$ php process.php --step 1-copy-jbook-xml-to-single-folder
When this step is run, the
folder will be automatically created and the relevant XML files in0-jbook-pdf
will be copied to1-jbook-xml
This step is important to ensure a proper conversion from XML -> JSON -> CSV in light of the fact the XSD schema is not publicly provided.
The process.php
will load each XML jbook into memory and analyze to determine all of the possible "lists" within the XML - and stores the relevant details in jbookArrays.json
(including additional tracking data per file).
This file is then used in step 3 to ensure a conisistent conversion per jbook.
$ php process.php --step 2-determine-jbook-array-paths
This step can take a long time depending on the spec of the machine (~12-24 hours).
This step leverages the jbookArrays.json
from step 2 and converts each Justification Book / Master Justification Book XML file into a JSON file and writes it to the 2-jbook-json
$ php process.php --step 3-convert-xml-to-json
This step can take a long time depending on the spec of the machine (~12-24 hours).
If you just need to convert a "partial" set of files from XML to JSON, you can use --rglob-pattern
to only include a subset of files.
$ php process.php --step 3-convert-xml-to-json --rglob 2021*.xml
[step 4] Process Jbooks by copying out line items / program elements into a single file per line item / program element
During this step line items / program elements are extracted from the proper node in the Justification Book / Master Justification Book and copied to a single JSON file per line item / progrem element:
procurement-lineitems in Justification Books
procurement-lineitems in Master Justification Books
rdte-programelements in Justification Books (2013 - 2016)
rdte-programelements in Master Justification Books (2013 - 2016)
rdte-programelements in Justification Books (2017 - current)
rdte-programelements in Master Justification Books (2017 - current)
$ php process.php --step 4-process-json-docs
During this step, each JSON file is analyzed and flattened / converted to a collection of CSV files.
In addition, an ERD
file is created dynamically based upon the data converted.
$ php process.php --step 5-json-to-csv --resource-type procurement-lineitems
$ php process.php --step 5-json-to-csv --resource-type rdte-programelements
During this step, the CSV files (and associated -j
files) are compressed for portability / storage in repos (such as Github).
$ php process.php --step 6-csv-to-zip --resource-type procurement-lineitems
$ php process.php --step 6-csv-to-zip--resource-type rdte-programelements