Differential analysis of sqlite files based on primary key (rowid)
Detects changes between versions of sqlite files:
- Database Table
- Table created
- Table deleted
- Table Row
- Row created
- Row modified
- Row deleted
pip install sqlitediff
From command line:
python -m sqlitediff --pathBefore PATHBEFORE --pathAfter PATHAFTER [--primaryKey PRIMARYKEY]
Option | Short | Type | Default | Description |
--pathBefore | -b | String | - | Path to sqlite file before action |
--pathAfter | -a | String | - | Path to sqlite file after action |
--primaryKey | -p | String | rowid | Name of the primary key column |
--printSnapshot | -s | String | - | before = Prints the before snapshot after = Prints the after snapshot |
python -m sqlitediff -b path/to/before.db -a path/to/after.db
sqlitediff by 5f0
Differential analysis of sqlite files
Current working directory: path/to/sqlitediff
Sqlite file before action:
--> Path: path/to/before.db
--> MD5: d7e88c55c4ec6ed7cd7fa6c6cb8b0b45
--> SHA256: 19722a52443837b2cc7ac77fa806da6f2e1f307707ac8a2fdfe6a5c097758faf
Sqlite file after action:
--> Path: path/to/after.sqlite
--> MD5: 305d12c0b2b49b149a508d9d4cb7d573
--> SHA256: 3073be75fb6b0ace2ffc94332c2c77e1fe12c6f618c840c122112a61ee63585a
Datetime: 01/01/1970 11:12:13
Table Analysis
--> Tables before:
List: ['dog', 'fish']
Name: dog
Rows: 2
Name: fish
Rows: 4
--> Tables after:
List: ['fish', 'snowman']
Name: fish
Rows: 5
Name: snowman
Rows: 1
--> Deleted Tables:
--> ['dog']
--> Created Tables:
--> ['snowman']
Row Analysis
--> snowman
--> ['id', 'name', 'species', 'fridge']
Created: [1]
--> (1, 'olaf', 'snow', 1)
--> dog
--> ['id', 'name', 'species', 'garden']
Deleted: [1, 2]
--> (1, 'Bill', 'shepard', 1)
--> (2, 'Tom', 'little', 7)
--> fish
--> ['id', 'name', 'species', 'tank']
Created: {5, 6}
--> (5, 'Leo', 'whale', 3)
--> (6, 'Ole', 'delfin', 4)
Updated: [2, 4]
--> (2, 'Jamie', 'cuttlefish', 7)
--> (2, 'Jamie', 'cuttlefish', 77)
--> (4, 'Mark', 'bigfish', 9)
--> (4, 'Mark', 'bigfish', 99)
Deleted: {1}
--> (1, 'Sammy', 'shark', 1)
Execution Time: 0.010948 sec
python -m sqlitediff -b path/to/before.db -a path/to/after.db -s before
sqlitediff by 5f0
Differential analysis of sqlite files
Current working directory: path/to/sqlitediff
Sqlite file before action:
--> Path: path/to/before.db
--> MD5: d7e88c55c4ec6ed7cd7fa6c6cb8b0b45
--> SHA256: 19722a52443837b2cc7ac77fa806da6f2e1f307707ac8a2fdfe6a5c097758faf
Sqlite file after action:
--> Path: path/to/after.sqlite
--> MD5: 305d12c0b2b49b149a508d9d4cb7d573
--> SHA256: 3073be75fb6b0ace2ffc94332c2c77e1fe12c6f618c840c122112a61ee63585a
Datetime: 01/01/1970 11:12:13
Snapshot Name: before
Table Name: fish
Rows: 4
Columns: ['id', 'name', 'species', 'tank']
Row Values:
--> (1, 'Sammy', 'shark', 1)
--> (2, 'Jamie', 'cuttlefish', 7)
--> (3, 'Carl', 'goldfish', 8)
--> (4, 'Mark', 'bigfish', 9)
Table Name: dog
Rows: 2
Columns: ['id', 'name', 'species', 'garden']
Row Values:
--> (1, 'Bill', 'shepard', 1)
--> (2, 'Tom', 'little', 7)
Execution Time: 0.010948 sec