- Some lexemes have multiple paradigms. This is defined as combination of "declination type" + "option_number" in the fmsynth output
- Currently, option number is ignored during import, which is bad. it has to be added, with a caveat:
- For some lexemes, fmsynth will report same paradigm twice (see "saks"). Duplicated paradigms must be ignored while imported.
- From the article, "initial forms" could be parsed to compare with fmsynth-provided paradigms, and non-compliant paradigms must be ignored.
- This should provide for much safer articleForm sets.
In order to run JFX application in IntelliJ IDEA Community:
- download JavaFX SDK into some folder
- create "Application" type Run Configuration
- add VM options:
--module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk-21.0.x/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml