Web user interface for paatos-api
These instructions assume that system is being installed on machine with Ubuntu 16.04 OS.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client
Secure your newly installed database (optional but recommended)
sudo mysql_secure_installation
Create database and database user
sudo mysql -u root -p
create database paatosui default character set = utf8mb4 collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create user 'paatosuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
grant all privileges on paatosui.* to paatosuser@localhost identified by 'yourpassword';
Paatos-ui can be installed either using latest published version from NPM package manager or by cloning this repository.
npm install paatos-ui
When using NPM your installation base will be node_modules/paatos-ui
clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:6aika/paatos-ui.git
install dependencies
cd paatos-ui
npm install
build client scripts and styles
npm install -g grunt
Go to your installation base directory, either node_modules/paatos-ui or the repository base directory.
create file named config.json with following content
"apis": {
"espoo": {
"name": "Espoo",
"url": "https://paatos-espoo.6aika.fi/v1"
"vantaa": {
"name": "Vantaa",
"url": "https://paatos-vantaa.6aika.fi/v1"
"oulu": {
"name": "Oulu",
"url": "https://paatos-oulu.6aika.fi/v1"
"helsinki": {
"name": "Helsinki",
"url": "https://paatos-helsinki.6aika.fi/v1"
"tampere": {
"name": "Tampere",
"url": "https://paatos-tampere.6aika.fi/v1"
"geocode": {
"url": "http://open.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/v1/address",
"key": "your-mapquest-api-key"
"session-secret": "yoursecret",
"mysql": {
"host": "localhost",
"database": "paatosui",
"username": "paatosuser",
"password": "yourpassword",
"port": 3306
"elasticsearch": {
"index": "paatosui",
"log": "debug",
"hosts": [{ "host": "localhost", "port": 9200 }]
"tasks": {
"concurrent": 4,
"afterProcessDelay": 1000
"standalone": true
"apis": used to configure which paatos-api instances are used for searching the data.
"geocode": connection details to geocoding API.
"session-secret": random string here.
"mysql": database connection details.
"elasticsearch": elastisearch connection details.
"tasks": used to configure how many actions will be indexed simultaneously and how long the system will wait before starting the next indexing batch.
"standalone": run system in non-clustered mode
Start the Paatos-ui by running command
node app.js --host localhost --port 8080