This repo contains all the files to launch NS-3 simulator with GUI I use UNBUNTU 1804 64 bits
NS-3 Version is 3.15
PLC module used is : On this following commit
git checkout 2cd8884cfbc5d8f1094f25aeef747d7f4f38ac71
How to know your G++ version :
sudo update-alternatives --config g++
You will need the version 4.4 of g++
To launch the compilation of NS-3 use this following command :
CXXFLAGS="-std=c++0x" ./waf configure
GNOSIS (link is dead, but i clone it into : Install Qt version 4.8 Replace interference.InitializeRx(rxPSD); by interference.StartRx(rxPSD); Problem with Qjson, go on the branch 1_0_0
This is ns-3-allinone.
If you have downloaded this in tarball release format, this directory contains some released ns-3 version, along with 3rd party components necessary to support all optional ns-3 features, such as Python bindings and Network Simulation Cradle. In this case, just run the script; all the components, plus ns-3 itself, will thus be built.
If, on the other hand, you have obtained this by cloning the mercurial repository, this directory only contains a few python scripts:
This script will take care of downloading all necessary
components, including pybindgen and NSC, along with cloning an
ns-3 repository. By default, the main development ns-3 branch,
ns-3-dev, will be cloned, so most users should simply call:
but the ns-3-dev repository can be overridden via the -n
command line option. For example:
./ -n jabraham3/netanim
will clone the repository
into the allinone directory.
This script will get all external components that need to be
built, and then will build ns-3 using the downloaded components.
The most recently downloaded components will be built, according
to the .config file that is written by