git clone
cd pyrobot
Create a new .env file (as .env.sample)
Install requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Execute with python3 -m pyrobot
Send .alive in any chat to confirm the userbot is running
.alive = Checks if Userbot is online
.help = Some useless info
.repo = Link to origin repo
?ban = Reply to a User to ban them
?unban = Reply to unban a user
?mute = Reply to mute a user
?unmute = Guess what? Right reply to unmute a user
?kick = reply to kick a user
!cclean = Kicks all deletes account (if they have less permissions than you)
?d = Reply to a messages to delete it
.sg = Start a game
.sc = Start a chaos game
.sf = Start a foolish game
.sr = Start a romance game
.sm = Start a mighty game
.scl = Start a classic game
.scu = Start a Cultus game
.e X = Extend X seconds (Without X it's 30)
.join = Reply to a message with join button: Joins a game
.wait = Get notified when next game starts
.flee = Doesnt work for now
.pa = Uses /pingall
.pt = uses /pingtime
.pl = Checks the actual player list
.kg = Kill a game (admin and triggerkillgame needed)
.fs = Forcestart a game
.kill = Kills a player in a game
.cm = Counts the messages in a chat
.eval = Evaluates Python Code
.exec = Execute Python Code
!admins = Show all admins in actual group
!members = Shows a count of all types of Members (Admins/User/Bots/Deleted)
.id = Shows actual chats ID
!chats = Show all your chats in categories (Groups/Supergroups/channel/etc.)
!unread = Show how many unread messages u have
.time XX = Gives the current live localtime XX seconds
dog = shows a picture of a dog
.mock = Reply to a message to mock them
.ggl TEXT = Shows a Sticker to google TEXT
.gay = Test your Gay percentage (German)
.up = Shows how long your bot has been online since last start
.d X = Random Number between 1 and X
.p = Creates a random person (German)
.glitch X = As reply to a picture glitches a picture X times (Just try it)
.pinga = Pings all Users in a group who "isnt a bot, isnt deleted"
.poll Question
(Up to 10) = Creates a poll
.haste = Reply to a message to create a VillageChat Haste link
?purgeall = Deletes all message below the replyed
?purgeme = Deletes all of your messages below the replyed
#offtopic = Sends the link to the german offtopic group #steal = Give a list with stealrate (German)
.v TEXT LANGCODE = Converts the text to voice message in LANGECODE (en, de,...) without langcode its en
.tl LANGCODE = Detects language of the replyed messages and translates it to LANGCOE
.notes = Show all saved video notes
.savenote NAME = Reply to a videonote so save the videonote as NAME
.rmnote NAME = Deletes saved note NAME
.note NAME = Send videonote NAME
.setwelcome TEXT = Sets a welcome message {namelink}: Link to Usersprofile {title}: Current Grouptitle {name}: Name of the new member
.rmwelcome = Deletes current welcome message
.welcome = Shows current welcome message
!welcome = Shows all welcome messages
.whois ID = Check the User with UserID ID
.whois [Reply] = Check the User u replyed to
.whois in private = Check your current chat partner
.wc x y = Gives from x messages the y most used words in your Log Group
.speed = Test your internet speed
.dc = Shows info about your current Datacenter
.ping = Test the ping