In this assignment, you will use the model-view-controller design pattern together with the JavaFX UI library to design a complete, functioning GUI implementation of the single-player logic puzzle nonograms.
If you've never heard of nonograms before, I highly suggest starting by checking out the nonograms Wikipedia page. After you do that, try solving a few nonogram puzzles yourself to make sure you've got the hang of it.
The nonogram app that you will design will be very similar to the nonograms implementation on the website linked above. You are encouraged to be creative with regard to the visual design of your implementation. Feel free to theme your user interface, move the components around in different locations, add new features, or make other significant changes to the look and feel of your app. However, your implementation must have the following features at a bare minimum for full credit:
If the user left-clicks on a cell, that cell becomes shaded. But, if they right-click on a cell, that cell becomes eliminated---just like the reference implementation. There must be a visual difference between a shaded and an eliminated cell. A cell cannot be both shaded and eliminated. Cells must be clearly marked, so the user can tell which cell they are selecting.
If the user left-clicks on an already-shaded cell, that cell should return to a blank state. If the user right-clicks on an already-eliminated cell, that cell should return to a blank state.
After each move, your app must check to see if the user solved the puzzle. If so, the UI must visually update to let the user know that they completed the puzzle. The puzzle is "solved" if the shaded squares match the clues. Non-shaded squares do not need to be labeled "eliminated" in order to solve the puzzle.
The UI must include a clearly visible and labeled "reset" button that will clear all the cells in the board and let the user start over from a blank state.
The starter code contains a pre-coded library of 5 puzzles to solve. The UI must provide clearly visible and labeled buttons to go to the next puzzle, to go to the previous puzzle, and to jump to a random puzzle. The "previous" button should not cause an uncaught exception if the user accidentally presses it on the first puzzle. Similarly, the "next" button should not cause an uncaught exception if the user accidentally presses it on the last puzzle.
The library of puzzles is a
, which means the puzzles are indexed. Your app must clearly display the index of the active puzzle in the library and how many puzzles are in the library in total. The displayed index should start from one, not zero. In other words, the first puzzle in theList
(at index 0) should be displayed as "puzzle 1 of 5" to the user. -
Your app must support arbitrary-sized boards with different widths and heights. To demonstrate this functionality, the provided pre-coded library of puzzles includes puzzles of at least two different sizes.
This assignment is unique because it has a manually-graded portion and an autograded portion. The autograded portion verifies that your model is correct, but does not check your controller or view. The controller and view will be manually graded by a COMP 301 learning assistant after the assignment due date. The LA will run your application and try playing a few games using your user interface! Your grade for that portion of the assignment will be based off of whether the LA encounters UI bugs. This means you won't get immediate feedback about your controller and view implementations.
Once you're familiar with nonograms, take a look at the starter code defined in the repository. Three packages have been created to help you organize your code according to the model-view-controller pattern. In these packages, a few starter interfaces and classes have been defined to help you structure your app.
It is not strictly necessary to use all the provided starter interfaces. Most of them are just there to give your app some structure and help you plan your code. If you would rather come up with your own design, there are a few rules that your code must follow so that your code can be autograded correctly. First, you must provide a ModelImpl
and CluesImpl
class as specified below. Second, running the main()
method of the provided Main
class must launch your GUI (this is how the LAs will launch your app for manual grading). Other than these two requirements, you are free to safely ignore the rest of the provided interfaces.
This assignment uses Maven as a build manager, and JavaFX as a GUI library. Since JavaFX is an external library, it has to be included in the build process in order for the application to successfully run. JavaFX has already been added as a Maven dependency to the POM file.
To run the application with Maven in IntelliJ, follow these steps:
Click the vertical "Maven" expansion tab which is on the right side of the IntelliJ window.
Expand the "Plugins" folder.
Expand the "javafx" folder.
Double-click "javafx:run" to run the project.
Important: This is exactly the same process that a learning assistant will use to launch your app when they manually grade it. Make sure your app can be launched using this process in your final submission to Gradescope.
The Main
class represents the starting point of your application. When you use Maven to launch your app as described above, Maven will try to run the Main.main()
method to launch your app. You are free to change the contents of the Main
class as necessary, but keep in mind that the Main.main()
method will always be the starting point of your application.
To make your life easier, the starter repository comes with a class called PuzzleLibrary
. PuzzleLibrary
exposes a class factory method, create()
, which instantiates and returns a singleton List<Clues>
list of Clues
objects (see below for details). You can use this to set up a puzzle library in your model. If you want, you can add more puzzles to the puzzle library.
All code related to the application's model should be placed in the model
Take a look at the Clues
interface. Each Clues
instance represents the clues for a single nonograms puzzle. In particular, a Clues
instance should encapsulate the following concepts:
- The height of the puzzle (i.e. the number of rows in the puzzle)
- The width of the puzzle (i.e. the number of columns in the puzzle)
- An array of integers for each row in the puzzle, representing the clues for that row
- An array of integers for each column in the puzzle, representing the clues for that column
instances are intended to be immutable---that is, the fields of a Clues
instance should not change after instantiation.
You must create a class named CluesImpl
in the model
package which implements the Clues
interface. This is required for your submission to be autograded.
The CluesImpl
class should expose a constructor with the following signature:
public CluesImpl(int[][] rowClues, int[][] colClues) {
// Constructor code here
The rowClues
parameter is a two-dimensional array containing the clues for each row of the puzzle (top-to-bottom), and the colClues
parameter is a two-dimensional array containing the clues for the columns of the puzzle (left-to-right). Spaces can be represented by zeros in the clue arrays. For example, this puzzle is represented by the following instance:
int[][] rowClues =
new int[][] {
new int[] {0, 2},
new int[] {1, 2},
new int[] {0, 3},
new int[] {0, 3},
new int[] {1, 1},
int[][] colClues =
new int[][] {
new int[] {1, 1},
new int[] {0, 1},
new int[] {0, 3},
new int[] {0, 3},
new int[] {3, 1},
Clues example = new CluesImpl(rowClues, colClues);
A Clues
instance represents the clues for a puzzle, but doesn't handle the state to track whether individual cells are "shaded" or "eliminated". The Board
interface is intended to track the array of states for each cell in a puzzle. In other words, a nonogram puzzle is a combination of a Clues
object, representing the clues for the puzzle, and a Board
object, representing the states of the puzzle's cells.
Instances of Board
are not intended to be immutable. As the user clicks on different cells of the puzzle, the internal fields in the Board
instance should change to reflect the new state. For example, if the user clicks on a cell to change it to be shaded, a field modification must take place inside th**e Board
instance to reflect that the cell is now shaded. This can be accomplished via the toggleCellShaded()
and toggleCellEliminated()
You may choose to make a BoardImpl
class as part of your design, but it is not a requirement for this assignment.
The Model
interface represents the model of MVC, and therefore contains all data necessary to display the current state of the application. In particular, a Model
instance should encapsulate the following concepts:
- A library of available nonogram puzzles for the user to solve
- A way to select which puzzle is currently active; for example, maybe an index into the puzzle library
- The
and correspondingBoard
information for the currently active puzzle - A
of active model observers, represented by theModelObserver
interface (see below)
Notice that the Model
interface extends both Board
and Clues
. That's because, per #3, a Model
should represent the currently active Board
and Clues
for the currently active puzzle.
There are multiple ways to encapsulate a library of available puzzles. One way is to simply encapsulate a List<Clues>
field to store the list of available puzzle Clues
, and then re-initialize the encapsulated Board
field(s) every time the user changes the active puzzle. This approach works but has a disadvantage: every time the user changes the active puzzle, their progress on the old puzzle will be forgotten. If you want your app to retain the user's progress when switching between puzzles, you'll have to encapuslate that information in your library somehow. One option is to create a new class, maybe called Puzzle
, to encapsulate a Clues
instance together with the corresponding Board
fields for that puzzle. Then, you can store a List
of Puzzle
instances as your library, and keep track of the Clues
for each puzzle along with the corresponding Board
You must create a class named ModelImpl
in the model
package which implements the Model
interface. This is required for your submission to be autograded.
The ModelImpl
class should expose a constructor with the following signature:
public ModelImpl(List<Clues> clues) {
// Constructor code here
The clues
parameter is a list of Clues
instances representing the library of available puzzles for the user to solve.
In order to implement the isSolved()
method, you'll have to devise an algorithm to check whether the current state of the Board
satisfies the corresponding Clues
. This can be tricky, and will probably take some time to get right.
The ModelImpl
class should be a "subject" with respect to the observer design pattern. This is because your view class will likely register itself as an active observer of the model, and will re-render itself in response to model changes. See the ModelObserver
interface below for more information about how to implement this.
the ModelObserver
interface defines a single method, update()
, and is used together with the ModelImpl
class to implement the observer design pattern.
should therefore notify its active observers whenever any Model
field value is changed. Hint: Below is a list of all Model
interface methods. Exactly 4 of the 18 methods involve manipulating the state of the Model
instance (not including addObserver()
and removeObserver()
); these 4 methods should therefore trigger the observer notify process.
Model methods:
1. int getPuzzleCount();
2. int getPuzzleIndex();
3. void setPuzzleIndex(int index);
4. void addObserver(ModelObserver observer);
5. void removeObserver(ModelObserver observer);
6. boolean isSolved();
Model methods inherited from Board:
7. boolean isShaded(int row, int col);
8. boolean isEliminated(int row, int col);
9. boolean isSpace(int row, int col);
10. void toggleCellShaded(int row, int col);
11. void toggleCellEliminated(int row, int col);
12. void clear();
Model methods inherited from Clues:
13. int getWidth();
14. int getHeight();
15. int[] getRowClues(int index);
16. int[] getColClues(int index);
17. int getRowCluesLength();
18. int getColCluesLength();
You need not implement the ModelObserver
interface in order to receive full credit from the autograder; however, you may wish to implement it in your View
class so that your view can respond to changes in the model.
All code related to the application's controller should be placed in the controller
Remember, the controller package in MVC is intended to act as the "glue" between the model and the view. You are free to implement your controller as you see fit; the controller is not graded by the autograder. Instead, the controller will be manually graded when a learning assistant tries to play your game by running the Main.main()
However, to help you get started, an interface named Controller
has been provided as a starting point. If you decide to use this interface, here's how you might use it.
First, add a new class called ControllerImpl
to the controller
package which implements the Controller
interface. This class should encapsulate a single field: a Model
Add a constructor to the ControllerImpl
class that looks something like this:
public Controller(Model model) {
// Constructor code goes here
The ControllerImpl
object should "wrap" a Model
instance. Most of the Controller
methods will simply be delegated/forwarded directly to the encapsulated Model
instance. However, a few methods, like prevPuzzle()
, nextPuzzle
, and randPuzzle()
, will require a few lines of code to get right.
All code related to the application's view should be placed in the view
Remember, the view
package in MVC is intended to hold all code related to the GUI. You are free to implement your view as you see fit; the view is not graded by the autograder. Instead, the view will be manually graded when a learning assistant tries to play your game by running the Main.main()
Regardless of the structure that you use for your view, you are required to use JavaFX as your GUI library. Therefore, the code in the view
package will primarily create and manipulate JavaFX objects. To help you get started and figure out a good structure for your app, one class (AppLauncher
) and one interface (FXComponent
) are provided.
By default, this class is the launching point of your application (although you can change that if you'd like). The Main
class is set up to forward to AppLauncher
, which extends Application
and therefore launches the JavaFX GUI.
To write the view, you'll need to fill in the start()
method in AppLauncher
to actually set up and create your UI. Inside the start()
method, you should create a Model
object and a Controller
object. You can use the provided PuzzleLibrary
class to get a simple puzzle library for setting up the model.
Although you could put all your UI generation code directly in the start()
method of AppLauncher
, this might not be a good idea since it would clutter the method with a lot of JavaFX code. Instead, a better idea is to encapsulate each section of the UI in a separate class.
In GUI programming, it's common to call each "section" of the UI a "component". To this end, a (suggested) interface, named FXComponent
, has been provided. You can use FXComponent
to break up your interface into different smaller components. For instance, one FXComponent
class, called PuzzleView
, might display the clues and the game board inside a GridPanel
. Another FXComponent
class, called ControlView
, might display the puzzle controls, including buttons, to move through the puzzle library. Finally, you might make a third FXComponent
class, called MessageView
, to show the "success" message when the user successfully finishes the puzzle.
The FXComponent
interface has just one method, named render()
. render()
should be kind of like a factory method for creating a new JavaFX Parent
object. The idea is that calling render()
should instantiate and return a new JavaFX Parent
object, representing the current, up-to-date scene graph for that section of the UI. Each time render()
is called on a FXComponent
, the Parent
should be completely re-built from scratch, using the controller to reflect the latest state values of the application. Each FXComponent
class should therefore encapsulate a reference to the Controller
for retrieving the current application state.
The view must be re-rerendered every time a value in the model is changed. To accomplish this, register an active ModelObserver
to observer the model instance. You may choose to do this using an anonymous class or a lambda expression directly in the start()
method of the AppLauncher
class, since that is where you have a reference to the model. When a model change occurs, the render()
methods should be called on each FXComponent
instance, and the resulting new Parent
objects should be inserted in the Scene
, while being careful to clear any old, "stale" UI components.
Finally, the view must react to user actions, such as clicking on certain user interface elements. Do this by registering observers on the relevant JavaFX UI component events. Sometimes, an application state change is necessary in response to a user action. For example, if the user clicks the "next puzzle" button, the model must be instructed to go to the next puzzle. Make use of the controller's methods to do this. By utilizing the controller, you will enforce separation of concerns between your model and view, and enforce that the controller is an intermediary between the two.