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sciter demo

This is a sciter.js demo app that showcases:

  • all sciter html elements (components) I found
  • application theming

sciter demo screenshot

It's a personal declination from one of the sciter examples.


  • git clone the repository
  • install packages npm install
  • install latest sciter sdk npm run install-sdk
  • start the demo npm run scapp

demo requirements

  • A recent version of Node.js node (tested with 16 LTS) and its package manager npm.

demo known issues

  • close the inspector before you play with the interface as inspector communication errors make the application crash.

sciter tips/caveats


sciter docs


sciter supports all standard elements defined in the HTML5 specification with some additions:


Unlike vanilla html, it's possible to include html inside another html document:

<include src="window.html" media="sciter" />


<include src="fragment.htm">
  fragment.htm is not available!

Consider this input:

<input type="text" name="test" id="info" class="blue">info</input>

in sciter there's a shorter notation:

<input|text(name) #info .blue>info</input>

unique elements



  • <input type="currency">
  • <input type="decimal">
  • <input type="integer">
  • <input type="number">
  • <input type="masked"> masked text input eg: phone, IP address, serial numbers
  • <input type="url">
  • <input type="slider"> horizontal and vertical slider input
  • <input type="scrollbar"> horizontal and vertical standalone scrollbars
  • <input type="date"> date input
  • <input type="time"> time input
  • <input type="calendar"> month/year/decade/century input
  • <button type="checkbox">...</button> checkbox combined with its label
  • <button type="radio">...</button> radio button combined with its label
  • <button type="menu">...<menu></button> button with popup menu
  • <button type="selector">...</button> button with popup list of options defined in a separate popup element
  • <button type="menu">...<menu></button> button with popup menu


  • <output type="text" value="text" />
  • <output type="integer" value=1 />
  • <output type="integer" value=1 />
  • <output type="time-local" format="long|short" />


Select elements support multiple and multiple=checkmarks attributes to allow multi-select list functionality

  • <select type="list"> standard select element
  • <select type="dropdown"> standard select element with dropdown list
  • <select type="tree"> select element with <option>s organized in hierarchical tree

popup menus

  • <popup> popup element (preferred to be placed in <head>). You can show popup with Element.popupAt.
  • <menu .context> context-menu styled element

text editors

  • <textarea> standard plain text editor
  • <plaintext> plain source code editor with line numbers and optional syntax highlighter, each line is a <text> element
  • <htmlarea> ready to use WYSIWYG HTML editor


  • <frame> represents a nested browsing context, embedding another HTML page into the current one.
  • <frameset> child elements to be resizable window blocks

unique attributes

  • selectable assign behavior: selectable
  • spellcheck true/false enable or disable spellcheck
  • novalue synonym of placeholder
  • window-frame values default|standard|solid|solid-with-shadow|extended|transparent

    none or attribute omitted as whole – standard OS desktop window frame (with caption and close/maximize) buttons. solid – frameless window with non-transparent background, just a rectangular box. Window chrome needs to be defined in markup (see below). solid-with-shadow same as above but with shadow if OS supports it. extended – window that allows to replace custom elements in window’s caption bar. transparent – layered window, it’s shape is determined by background image or border-radius. CSS shall define html { background-color:transparent } for it.

  • window-title title

  • window-resizable

  • window-width initial width of the window

  • window-height initial height of the window

  • window-icon image for window decoration and in taskbar

  • lang define dictionary for spellcheck ISO 639-1

  • window-blurbehind create windows with blur-behind effect

    auto – default OS blur-behind effect; ultra-dark, dark, light and ultra-light

    window-title="sciter demo app"

headless window

To create a headless window use window-frame="extended", then define the header components.

  • role="window-caption" move window by clicking the element
  • role=window-close – close button
  • role=window-icon – window icon button
  • role=window-minimize – minimize button
  • role=window-maximize – maximize/restore button
  • role=window-body or <body> – area (four bands) between <html> and that body element is used for window resizing.
<!-- header before the body tag -->
    <picture src="images/seastar.svg" role="window-icon" />
    <window-caption role="window-caption">sciter demo app</window-caption>
        <window-button role="window-minimize"></window-button>
        <window-button role="window-maximize"></window-button>
        <window-button role="window-close"></window-button>


This doesn't work.

<button #info onclick="console.log('test')">info</button>

Use this instead:

// option 1
document.$("button#info").onclick = log;

// option 2
document.$("button#info").on("click", log);

function log()

<button #info>info</button>

There's another project that explores event in more details


sciter supports css level 2.1 in full and has some css 3 features

unique features

  • gradient backgrounds, see background-color attribute definition
  • extended image fill, see background-position and background-repeat attribute definitions
  • flex length units and flow
  • foreground images
  • hit-margin
  • @include "mime-type" url(...) [media types list] inclusion of scripts from css
  • size shortcut property for width and height. If only one length value is provided then both width and height get the value. If there are two values then first one will go to width and second to height.
  • supports // comments
  • @mixin A named set of css properties (see below)
  • @set A style set is a named block of style rules (see below)
  • morph color transformation function (see below)
  • css 3 currentcolor keyword refers to the value of the color property
  • foreground property
  • appearance property that suppresses default visual styles

all supported properties

display flex

sciter does not support display: flex, you need to use the custom css property flow instead.


  • 1ppx = 1 physical screen pixel = actual size depends of screen resolution
  • 1dip = 1/96th of an inch = 0.264583mm = actual size does not depend on screen resolution

One dip is one ppx on a 96 DPI screen.

1px can be either 1dip or 1ppx depending on SCITER_SET_PX_AS_DIP setting.

In order to have your application size consistently accross screens with different DPI, use dip.


constants and variables

Unlike vanilla css, css constants and variables are supported.

morph function

morph is color transformation function.

color: morph(basecolor, transformation1:value1, transformation2:value2, ...)

basecolor is either a constant or a variable or currentColor

example: background-color: morph(currentColor, lighten:40%, opacity:50%)


sciter uses the QuickJS++ javascript engine.

It adds JSX, Mithril and React support:

In addition it contains storage in the form of a NoSQL MongoDB.

javascript libraries support

General considerations about JS libraries and frameworks:

If library is pure JS one then it should work as it is in sciter. Example: RemarkableJS that does MD-to-HTML conversion works as it is.

If library relies on basic DOM features it may work as it is. Example: MithrilJS that works as it is in sciter.

If library relies on extended/obscure features then it will need either porting or an external porting layer. see


jQuery does not work in Sciter as JQuery was designed to support specific browsers, but zepto.js, a lightweight port of jQuery, works.


Lottie animations are supported.


Mixin is a named set of css properties that can be applied by name to css rules.

  padding: 0 1em;
  border: 1dip solid black;
  border-radius: 3dip;
  background: linear-gradient(top, #3498db, #2980b9);
  color: #ffffff;

style set

A style set is a named set of style declarations and it is a system of selectors and style definitions that are applied as the whole.

@set button {
  :root {
    behavior: button;
    flow: vertical;

  :root:hover                   { @STD-BUTTON-HOVER; }
  :root:focus                   { @STD-BUTTON-FOCUS; }
  :root:disabled                { @STD-BUTTON-DISABLED; }

Rules within a style set can only be overriden with !important.