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Sensor Advertise current values in manufacturer data field little endian 5 byte

0x0 (8bit) 0x01 - 0x02 (16bit) 0x03 - 0x04 (16bit) 0x04 - 0x05 (16bit)
Name "Battery capacity" "Temperature x 100" 2x byte "PH x 100" 2x byte "PH probe RAW"
example 92 3220 721 141
Real 92% 32.20 7.21 141 mv

or connect and read ble characteristics

  • NTC or MCU temp sensor: f3641402-00b0-4042-ba50-05ca45bf8abc
  • PH probe: f3641407-00b0-4042-ba50-05ca45bf8abc
  • PH probe RAW: f3641408-00b0-4042-ba50-05ca45bf8abc

Button Calibration

long press > 2s -> start calibrating in low PH (4.01) mode short press change mode (4.01 | 6.86 | 11)


  1. Put probe in 4.01 buffer
  2. Wait 1-2 min
  3. Connect to service f3641400-00b0-4042-ba50-05ca45bf8abc
  4. Write to characteristic 0x1401 0x01 value
  5. Wait until rgb led start blink green
  6. Put probe in clean water, for clean from previous buffer solution
  7. Put probe in 6.86 buffer
  8. Wait 1-2 min
  9. Connect to service f3641400-00b0-4042-ba50-05ca45bf8abc
  10. Write to characteristic 0x1401 0x02 value
  11. Wait until rgb led start blink green
  12. Repeat step 6
  13. Put probe in 9.18 buffer
  14. Wait 1-2 min
  15. Connect to service f364adc9-b000-4042-ba50-05ca45bf8abc
  16. Write to characteristic 0x1401 0x03 value
  17. Wait until rgb led start blink green

If use another buffer edit in ph_sensor.c line 233, 238

Program J-link

  1. Download NRF52 SDK 16
  2. Download ARM GCC
  3. Clone repo git clone
  4. Fix path to sdk and gcc in Makefile: SDK_ROOT := $PATH_TO_SDK
  5. Flash Softdevice make flash_softdevice
  6. Flash App make flash or make pkg for generating DFU package (generate keys first and flash bootloader with these keys)


  1. Install nrfutil pip install nrfutil
  2. Generate keys nrfutil keys display --key pk --format code DFU/private.key --out_file DFU/public_key.c
  3. Flash bootloader cd DFU/bootloader && make flash
  4. Generate dfu package nrfutil pkg generate --hw-version 52 --sd-req 0 --application-version 0x0 --application _build/nrf52832_xxaa.hex --key-file DFU/private.key DFU/
  5. Use the Nordic nRF Connect app to upgrade firmware