- Math
- Cryptography
- Blockchain
[GG18] Fast Multiparty Threshold ECDSA with Fast Trustless Setup
- Paper
- Revised
- ZK range proofs
- 中文實例說明(看懂這篇就全懂了,厲害👍)
- Revised
- Source Code
- [Video]ACM CSS 2018
- Known Attacks on GG18
- Paper
[GG20] One Round Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Abort
[GG21] UC Non-Interactive, Proactive, Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Aborts
[Source code]
- (Taurus Group)Implementation
- [Rust] Webb - CGGMP Threshold ECDSA Distributed Key Generation Protocol
- Implementing all ZKPs for 4-round (O(n^2)) identifiable abort
- (video)
Technical Overview (Must Read)
- (video)
- Proactive Key Refresh
- Universally Composable (UC) Security Framework
- leveraging Paillier Encryption (from wikipedia) as a commitment scheme
- Pedersen Commitments
- Wallet Infrastructure Comparisons
- (Medium)On UC Non-interactive, Proactive, Threshold ECDSA
- (Coinbase)Threshold Digital Signatures
- Deeper dive into threshold signatures
- 2021 Refresh When You Wake Up: Proactive Threshold Wallets with Offline Devices
- 2022 Better than Advertised Security for Non-interactive Threshold Signatures
- 2022 Low-Bandwidth Threshold ECDSA via Pseudorandom Correlation Generators
- 2022 Fast Threshold ECDSA with Honest Majority
- 2022 On the security of ECDSA with additive key derivation and presignatures
- 2020 Threshold ECDSA for Decentralized Asset Custody
- 2018 Fast Secure Multiparty ECDSA with Practical Distributed Key Generation and Applications to Cryptocurrency Custody
- 2020 Securing DNSSEC Keys via Threshold ECDSA From Generic MPC
- another pre-signing protocol
- [Video] MPTS 2020 Talk 3a2: Securing DNSSEC Keys via Threshold ECDSA From Generic MPC
- [Slide]
- [Github] Multi-party ECDSA
- including GG20
- implemented by Rust
- Using Signal Messager (P2P network) to replace broadcast channel
- [Github] TSS ECDSA CLI utility
- [Github] Multiparty threshold ECDSA scheme by ING bank
- based on GG18
- implmeneted by Rust
- P2P or Broadcast ???
- Audit Report by Kudelski Security
- History of MPC
- created by Andrew Yao in 1980's
- Yao's millionaires' problem
- [Video]Multiparty Computation in 5 mins
- the best explanation video
- XOR for multiple keys
- Threshold Secret Sharing
- Polynorminal interpolation
- Average Salary
- [Video]Introduction to MPC in 6 mins
- Average Salary
- [Video]Basic Concept of MPC [Refer to Slide]
- [2020Cryptography Meetup] A crash course on Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC)
- Privacy Guarantees:
- Computational Security
- Statistical Security
- Perfect Security
- Output Guarantees:
- Beaver Triples (a.k.a Multiplication Triples)
- Shamir Secret Sharing
- Privacy Guarantees:
- [Video] Threshold Signature Scheme(TSS) by Axelar Network
- Good tutorial from very basic knowledge to TSS
- [Video] Introduction to Multiparty Computation (by Yehuda Lindell)
- MPC Alliance
- (Sepior)MPC Digital Asset Wallet Considerations - Build vs. Buy
- How to evaluate your wallet options?
- (Unbound Security)Cryptocurrency Protection with MPC & Threshold ECDSA
- 2013 Multi-Party Computation: From Theory to Practice(Nigel P. Smark at Google in 2013)
- Fully Homomophic Encryption (FHE) + Multi-Party Computation (MPC)
- In FHE one has a huge computational cost, but zero communication.
- In MPC one has virtually no computational cost, but huge communication.
- assume Linear Secrete Sharing is free
- SPDZ protocol vs. NNOS protocol
- more details At Microsoft Research in 2016
- ##TODO##
- Fully Homomophic Encryption (FHE) + Multi-Party Computation (MPC)
- 2020 Threshold Secret Sharing - Gilad Asharov
- Error Correction
- Reed Solomon
- Berlekamp-Welch Algorithm
- Error Correction
- Sepior - Advanced MPC Digital Asset Wallet & Custody Infrastructure
- Fireblocks - an easy to use platform to create new blockchain based products and manage day-to-day digital asset opterations
- MPC Alliance
- Key Length Comparison
- Provide a mapping table for many standards, e.g. NIST, BSI.