An image translator that can use 3 translators (Google, Bing and DeepL) and two OCR (Tesseract and EasyOCR). Text editing is also possible but only in the original language of the image.
I wrote this package for translating and detecting text on images
Before to use this programm you need to download the desired language package in the settings and click on apply.
- Open Image
- Select source and destination language then translator and OCR
- Click on "Run processing"
- Ctrl+Scroll zoom in and out
- Shift+Ctrl+Scroll move left and right
- Scroll move up and down
- Edit text with a double click on it
- When your finished your edition you can save the image
If I have time I will implement this
- Custom font
- Detecting text color
- Inpainting and for a replace of white rectangle
git clone
python -m pip install torch==1.7.0+cpu torchvision==0.8.1+cpu -f
python -m pip install easyocr
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python build