This project is part of the winter semester for the course of Distributed Systems of Harokopio University of Athens.
The project is composed of two parts: the backend application and the frontend application.
The backend application is covered in this repository.
The frontend application can be viewed here:
The application uses a PostgreSQL database contained in Docker. To run the database use the following:
docker run --name DS_Blood_Donations -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Kondocker123!@# -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=DS_Blood_Donations -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
Database connection details:
-Port: 5432
-Username: postgres
-Password: Kondocker123!@#
Simply clone and open the project in your favourite IDE (preferably Intellij). Please, make sure to wait for all dependencies to be downloaded first. Finally, run the application server in the IDE.
You can configure the sender email address and the App Password required by GMAIL in such as spring.mail.username=placeholder and spring.mail.password=placeholder (replace placeholder with actual values).