The data for the graph is generated through the use of files in this repository. Multiple experiments need to be performed to obtain proper probability average and graph.
- Clone the ns-3-dev repository. Detailed explanation can be found here
- Replace the and fq-codel-queue-disc.h file in ns-3-dev/src/traffic-control/model with the given corresponding files in the repository with the same name
- Replace the files in ns-3-dev/src/test/ns3tc with the given corresponding files in the repository with the same name
- Python code generates the random hash values which will be attributed to each packet
- FqCoDelQueueDiscCollision TestSuite takes as input the file containing the hash values and inputs it into the modified fq-codel-queue-disc. Run the below command in the root directory
NS_LOG="FqCoDelQueueDisc" ./waf --run "test-runner --suite=fq-codel-queue-disc"
NS_LOG="FqCoDelQueueDisc" ./waf --run "test-runner --suite=fq-codel-queue-disc" > generated-file-name
- The test will output collision probabilities (sets filled/ total sets or queues filled/total queues) for either the set-associative hash or traditional hash depending on which is enabled in the test suite
- Input the probabilities into excel sheet and graph probability vs. the number of flows. An example is given here