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Autogenerated JellyfinAPI Driver (using openapi-generator)

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Swift5 API client for JellyfinAPI

No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 10.8.9
  • Package version:
  • Generator version: 7.7.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.Swift5ClientCodegen



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Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8096

Class Method HTTP request Description
ActivityLogAPI getLogEntries GET /System/ActivityLog/Entries Gets activity log entries.
ApiKeyAPI createKey POST /Auth/Keys Create a new api key.
ApiKeyAPI getKeys GET /Auth/Keys Get all keys.
ApiKeyAPI revokeKey DELETE /Auth/Keys/{key} Remove an api key.
ArtistsAPI getAlbumArtists GET /Artists/AlbumArtists Gets all album artists from a given item, folder, or the entire library.
ArtistsAPI getArtistByName GET /Artists/{name} Gets an artist by name.
ArtistsAPI getArtists GET /Artists Gets all artists from a given item, folder, or the entire library.
AudioAPI getAudioStream GET /Audio/{itemId}/stream Gets an audio stream.
AudioAPI getAudioStreamByContainer GET /Audio/{itemId}/stream.{container} Gets an audio stream.
AudioAPI headAudioStream HEAD /Audio/{itemId}/stream Gets an audio stream.
AudioAPI headAudioStreamByContainer HEAD /Audio/{itemId}/stream.{container} Gets an audio stream.
BrandingAPI getBrandingCss GET /Branding/Css Gets branding css.
BrandingAPI getBrandingCss2 GET /Branding/Css.css Gets branding css.
BrandingAPI getBrandingOptions GET /Branding/Configuration Gets branding configuration.
ChannelsAPI getAllChannelFeatures GET /Channels/Features Get all channel features.
ChannelsAPI getChannelFeatures GET /Channels/{channelId}/Features Get channel features.
ChannelsAPI getChannelItems GET /Channels/{channelId}/Items Get channel items.
ChannelsAPI getChannels GET /Channels Gets available channels.
ChannelsAPI getLatestChannelItems GET /Channels/Items/Latest Gets latest channel items.
ClientLogAPI logFile POST /ClientLog/Document Upload a document.
CollectionAPI addToCollection POST /Collections/{collectionId}/Items Adds items to a collection.
CollectionAPI createCollection POST /Collections Creates a new collection.
CollectionAPI removeFromCollection DELETE /Collections/{collectionId}/Items Removes items from a collection.
ConfigurationAPI getConfiguration GET /System/Configuration Gets application configuration.
ConfigurationAPI getDefaultMetadataOptions GET /System/Configuration/MetadataOptions/Default Gets a default MetadataOptions object.
ConfigurationAPI getNamedConfiguration GET /System/Configuration/{key} Gets a named configuration.
ConfigurationAPI updateConfiguration POST /System/Configuration Updates application configuration.
ConfigurationAPI updateMediaEncoderPath POST /System/MediaEncoder/Path Updates the path to the media encoder.
ConfigurationAPI updateNamedConfiguration POST /System/Configuration/{key} Updates named configuration.
DashboardAPI getConfigurationPages GET /web/ConfigurationPages Gets the configuration pages.
DashboardAPI getDashboardConfigurationPage GET /web/ConfigurationPage Gets a dashboard configuration page.
DevicesAPI deleteDevice DELETE /Devices Deletes a device.
DevicesAPI getDeviceInfo GET /Devices/Info Get info for a device.
DevicesAPI getDeviceOptions GET /Devices/Options Get options for a device.
DevicesAPI getDevices GET /Devices Get Devices.
DevicesAPI updateDeviceOptions POST /Devices/Options Update device options.
DisplayPreferencesAPI getDisplayPreferences GET /DisplayPreferences/{displayPreferencesId} Get Display Preferences.
DisplayPreferencesAPI updateDisplayPreferences POST /DisplayPreferences/{displayPreferencesId} Update Display Preferences.
DlnaAPI createProfile POST /Dlna/Profiles Creates a profile.
DlnaAPI deleteProfile DELETE /Dlna/Profiles/{profileId} Deletes a profile.
DlnaAPI getDefaultProfile GET /Dlna/Profiles/Default Gets the default profile.
DlnaAPI getProfile GET /Dlna/Profiles/{profileId} Gets a single profile.
DlnaAPI getProfileInfos GET /Dlna/ProfileInfos Get profile infos.
DlnaAPI updateProfile POST /Dlna/Profiles/{profileId} Updates a profile.
DlnaServerAPI getConnectionManager GET /Dlna/{serverId}/ConnectionManager Gets Dlna media receiver registrar xml.
DlnaServerAPI getConnectionManager2 GET /Dlna/{serverId}/ConnectionManager/ConnectionManager Gets Dlna media receiver registrar xml.
DlnaServerAPI getConnectionManager3 GET /Dlna/{serverId}/ConnectionManager/ConnectionManager.xml Gets Dlna media receiver registrar xml.
DlnaServerAPI getContentDirectory GET /Dlna/{serverId}/ContentDirectory Gets Dlna content directory xml.
DlnaServerAPI getContentDirectory2 GET /Dlna/{serverId}/ContentDirectory/ContentDirectory Gets Dlna content directory xml.
DlnaServerAPI getContentDirectory3 GET /Dlna/{serverId}/ContentDirectory/ContentDirectory.xml Gets Dlna content directory xml.
DlnaServerAPI getDescriptionXml GET /Dlna/{serverId}/description Get Description Xml.
DlnaServerAPI getDescriptionXml2 GET /Dlna/{serverId}/description.xml Get Description Xml.
DlnaServerAPI getIcon GET /Dlna/icons/{fileName} Gets a server icon.
DlnaServerAPI getIconId GET /Dlna/{serverId}/icons/{fileName} Gets a server icon.
DlnaServerAPI getMediaReceiverRegistrar GET /Dlna/{serverId}/MediaReceiverRegistrar Gets Dlna media receiver registrar xml.
DlnaServerAPI getMediaReceiverRegistrar2 GET /Dlna/{serverId}/MediaReceiverRegistrar/MediaReceiverRegistrar Gets Dlna media receiver registrar xml.
DlnaServerAPI getMediaReceiverRegistrar3 GET /Dlna/{serverId}/MediaReceiverRegistrar/MediaReceiverRegistrar.xml Gets Dlna media receiver registrar xml.
DlnaServerAPI processConnectionManagerControlRequest POST /Dlna/{serverId}/ConnectionManager/Control Process a connection manager control request.
DlnaServerAPI processContentDirectoryControlRequest POST /Dlna/{serverId}/ContentDirectory/Control Process a content directory control request.
DlnaServerAPI processMediaReceiverRegistrarControlRequest POST /Dlna/{serverId}/MediaReceiverRegistrar/Control Process a media receiver registrar control request.
DynamicHlsAPI getHlsAudioSegment GET /Audio/{itemId}/hls1/{playlistId}/{segmentId}.{container} Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming.
DynamicHlsAPI getHlsVideoSegment GET /Videos/{itemId}/hls1/{playlistId}/{segmentId}.{container} Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming.
DynamicHlsAPI getLiveHlsStream GET /Videos/{itemId}/live.m3u8 Gets a hls live stream.
DynamicHlsAPI getMasterHlsAudioPlaylist GET /Audio/{itemId}/master.m3u8 Gets an audio hls playlist stream.
DynamicHlsAPI getMasterHlsVideoPlaylist GET /Videos/{itemId}/master.m3u8 Gets a video hls playlist stream.
DynamicHlsAPI getVariantHlsAudioPlaylist GET /Audio/{itemId}/main.m3u8 Gets an audio stream using HTTP live streaming.
DynamicHlsAPI getVariantHlsVideoPlaylist GET /Videos/{itemId}/main.m3u8 Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming.
DynamicHlsAPI headMasterHlsAudioPlaylist HEAD /Audio/{itemId}/master.m3u8 Gets an audio hls playlist stream.
DynamicHlsAPI headMasterHlsVideoPlaylist HEAD /Videos/{itemId}/master.m3u8 Gets a video hls playlist stream.
EnvironmentAPI getDefaultDirectoryBrowser GET /Environment/DefaultDirectoryBrowser Get Default directory browser.
EnvironmentAPI getDirectoryContents GET /Environment/DirectoryContents Gets the contents of a given directory in the file system.
EnvironmentAPI getDrives GET /Environment/Drives Gets available drives from the server's file system.
EnvironmentAPI getNetworkShares GET /Environment/NetworkShares Gets network paths.
EnvironmentAPI getParentPath GET /Environment/ParentPath Gets the parent path of a given path.
EnvironmentAPI validatePath POST /Environment/ValidatePath Validates path.
FilterAPI getQueryFilters GET /Items/Filters2 Gets query filters.
FilterAPI getQueryFiltersLegacy GET /Items/Filters Gets legacy query filters.
GenresAPI getGenre GET /Genres/{genreName} Gets a genre, by name.
GenresAPI getGenres GET /Genres Gets all genres from a given item, folder, or the entire library.
HlsSegmentAPI getHlsAudioSegmentLegacyAac GET /Audio/{itemId}/hls/{segmentId}/stream.aac Gets the specified audio segment for an audio item.
HlsSegmentAPI getHlsAudioSegmentLegacyMp3 GET /Audio/{itemId}/hls/{segmentId}/stream.mp3 Gets the specified audio segment for an audio item.
HlsSegmentAPI getHlsPlaylistLegacy GET /Videos/{itemId}/hls/{playlistId}/stream.m3u8 Gets a hls video playlist.
HlsSegmentAPI getHlsVideoSegmentLegacy GET /Videos/{itemId}/hls/{playlistId}/{segmentId}.{segmentContainer} Gets a hls video segment.
HlsSegmentAPI stopEncodingProcess DELETE /Videos/ActiveEncodings Stops an active encoding.
ImageAPI deleteCustomSplashscreen DELETE /Branding/Splashscreen Delete a custom splashscreen.
ImageAPI deleteItemImage DELETE /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType} Delete an item's image.
ImageAPI deleteItemImageByIndex DELETE /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Delete an item's image.
ImageAPI deleteUserImage DELETE /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType} Delete the user's image.
ImageAPI deleteUserImageByIndex DELETE /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType}/{index} Delete the user's image.
ImageAPI getArtistImage GET /Artists/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get artist image by name.
ImageAPI getGenreImage GET /Genres/{name}/Images/{imageType} Get genre image by name.
ImageAPI getGenreImageByIndex GET /Genres/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get genre image by name.
ImageAPI getItemImage GET /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType} Gets the item's image.
ImageAPI getItemImage2 GET /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex}/{tag}/{format}/{maxWidth}/{maxHeight}/{percentPlayed}/{unplayedCount} Gets the item's image.
ImageAPI getItemImageByIndex GET /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Gets the item's image.
ImageAPI getItemImageInfos GET /Items/{itemId}/Images Get item image infos.
ImageAPI getMusicGenreImage GET /MusicGenres/{name}/Images/{imageType} Get music genre image by name.
ImageAPI getMusicGenreImageByIndex GET /MusicGenres/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get music genre image by name.
ImageAPI getPersonImage GET /Persons/{name}/Images/{imageType} Get person image by name.
ImageAPI getPersonImageByIndex GET /Persons/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get person image by name.
ImageAPI getSplashscreen GET /Branding/Splashscreen Generates or gets the splashscreen.
ImageAPI getStudioImage GET /Studios/{name}/Images/{imageType} Get studio image by name.
ImageAPI getStudioImageByIndex GET /Studios/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get studio image by name.
ImageAPI getUserImage GET /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType} Get user profile image.
ImageAPI getUserImageByIndex GET /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get user profile image.
ImageAPI headArtistImage HEAD /Artists/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get artist image by name.
ImageAPI headGenreImage HEAD /Genres/{name}/Images/{imageType} Get genre image by name.
ImageAPI headGenreImageByIndex HEAD /Genres/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get genre image by name.
ImageAPI headItemImage HEAD /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType} Gets the item's image.
ImageAPI headItemImage2 HEAD /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex}/{tag}/{format}/{maxWidth}/{maxHeight}/{percentPlayed}/{unplayedCount} Gets the item's image.
ImageAPI headItemImageByIndex HEAD /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Gets the item's image.
ImageAPI headMusicGenreImage HEAD /MusicGenres/{name}/Images/{imageType} Get music genre image by name.
ImageAPI headMusicGenreImageByIndex HEAD /MusicGenres/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get music genre image by name.
ImageAPI headPersonImage HEAD /Persons/{name}/Images/{imageType} Get person image by name.
ImageAPI headPersonImageByIndex HEAD /Persons/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get person image by name.
ImageAPI headStudioImage HEAD /Studios/{name}/Images/{imageType} Get studio image by name.
ImageAPI headStudioImageByIndex HEAD /Studios/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get studio image by name.
ImageAPI headUserImage HEAD /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType} Get user profile image.
ImageAPI headUserImageByIndex HEAD /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Get user profile image.
ImageAPI postUserImage POST /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType} Sets the user image.
ImageAPI postUserImageByIndex POST /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType}/{index} Sets the user image.
ImageAPI setItemImage POST /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType} Set item image.
ImageAPI setItemImageByIndex POST /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} Set item image.
ImageAPI updateItemImageIndex POST /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex}/Index Updates the index for an item image.
ImageAPI uploadCustomSplashscreen POST /Branding/Splashscreen Uploads a custom splashscreen. The body is expected to the image contents base64 encoded.
ImageByNameAPI getGeneralImage GET /Images/General/{name}/{type} Get General Image.
ImageByNameAPI getGeneralImages GET /Images/General Get all general images.
ImageByNameAPI getMediaInfoImage GET /Images/MediaInfo/{theme}/{name} Get media info image.
ImageByNameAPI getMediaInfoImages GET /Images/MediaInfo Get all media info images.
ImageByNameAPI getRatingImage GET /Images/Ratings/{theme}/{name} Get rating image.
ImageByNameAPI getRatingImages GET /Images/Ratings Get all general images.
InfuseSyncAPI createCheckpoint POST /InfuseSync/Checkpoint
InfuseSyncAPI getRemovedItemsQuery GET /InfuseSync/Checkpoint/{checkpointID}/RemovedItems
InfuseSyncAPI getUpdatedItemsQuery GET /InfuseSync/Checkpoint/{checkpointID}/UpdatedItems
InfuseSyncAPI getUserDataQuery GET /InfuseSync/Checkpoint/{checkpointID}/UserData
InfuseSyncAPI getUserFolders GET /InfuseSync/UserFolders/{userID}
InfuseSyncAPI startCheckpointSync POST /InfuseSync/Checkpoint/{checkpointID}/StartSync
InstantMixAPI getInstantMixFromAlbum GET /Albums/{id}/InstantMix Creates an instant playlist based on a given album.
InstantMixAPI getInstantMixFromArtists GET /Artists/{id}/InstantMix Creates an instant playlist based on a given artist.
InstantMixAPI getInstantMixFromArtists2 GET /Artists/InstantMix Creates an instant playlist based on a given artist.
InstantMixAPI getInstantMixFromItem GET /Items/{id}/InstantMix Creates an instant playlist based on a given item.
InstantMixAPI getInstantMixFromMusicGenreById GET /MusicGenres/InstantMix Creates an instant playlist based on a given genre.
InstantMixAPI getInstantMixFromMusicGenreByName GET /MusicGenres/{name}/InstantMix Creates an instant playlist based on a given genre.
InstantMixAPI getInstantMixFromPlaylist GET /Playlists/{id}/InstantMix Creates an instant playlist based on a given playlist.
InstantMixAPI getInstantMixFromSong GET /Songs/{id}/InstantMix Creates an instant playlist based on a given song.
ItemLookupAPI applySearchCriteria POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Apply/{itemId} Applies search criteria to an item and refreshes metadata.
ItemLookupAPI getBookRemoteSearchResults POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Book Get book remote search.
ItemLookupAPI getBoxSetRemoteSearchResults POST /Items/RemoteSearch/BoxSet Get box set remote search.
ItemLookupAPI getExternalIdInfos GET /Items/{itemId}/ExternalIdInfos Get the item's external id info.
ItemLookupAPI getMovieRemoteSearchResults POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Movie Get movie remote search.
ItemLookupAPI getMusicAlbumRemoteSearchResults POST /Items/RemoteSearch/MusicAlbum Get music album remote search.
ItemLookupAPI getMusicArtistRemoteSearchResults POST /Items/RemoteSearch/MusicArtist Get music artist remote search.
ItemLookupAPI getMusicVideoRemoteSearchResults POST /Items/RemoteSearch/MusicVideo Get music video remote search.
ItemLookupAPI getPersonRemoteSearchResults POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Person Get person remote search.
ItemLookupAPI getSeriesRemoteSearchResults POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Series Get series remote search.
ItemLookupAPI getTrailerRemoteSearchResults POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Trailer Get trailer remote search.
ItemRefreshAPI refreshItem POST /Items/{itemId}/Refresh Refreshes metadata for an item.
ItemUpdateAPI getMetadataEditorInfo GET /Items/{itemId}/MetadataEditor Gets metadata editor info for an item.
ItemUpdateAPI updateItem POST /Items/{itemId} Updates an item.
ItemUpdateAPI updateItemContentType POST /Items/{itemId}/ContentType Updates an item's content type.
ItemsAPI getItems GET /Items Gets items based on a query.
ItemsAPI getItemsByUserId GET /Users/{userId}/Items Gets items based on a query.
ItemsAPI getResumeItems GET /Users/{userId}/Items/Resume Gets items based on a query.
LibraryAPI deleteItem DELETE /Items/{itemId} Deletes an item from the library and filesystem.
LibraryAPI deleteItems DELETE /Items Deletes items from the library and filesystem.
LibraryAPI getAncestors GET /Items/{itemId}/Ancestors Gets all parents of an item.
LibraryAPI getCriticReviews GET /Items/{itemId}/CriticReviews Gets critic review for an item.
LibraryAPI getDownload GET /Items/{itemId}/Download Downloads item media.
LibraryAPI getFile GET /Items/{itemId}/File Get the original file of an item.
LibraryAPI getItemCounts GET /Items/Counts Get item counts.
LibraryAPI getLibraryOptionsInfo GET /Libraries/AvailableOptions Gets the library options info.
LibraryAPI getMediaFolders GET /Library/MediaFolders Gets all user media folders.
LibraryAPI getPhysicalPaths GET /Library/PhysicalPaths Gets a list of physical paths from virtual folders.
LibraryAPI getSimilarAlbums GET /Albums/{itemId}/Similar Gets similar items.
LibraryAPI getSimilarArtists GET /Artists/{itemId}/Similar Gets similar items.
LibraryAPI getSimilarItems GET /Items/{itemId}/Similar Gets similar items.
LibraryAPI getSimilarMovies GET /Movies/{itemId}/Similar Gets similar items.
LibraryAPI getSimilarShows GET /Shows/{itemId}/Similar Gets similar items.
LibraryAPI getSimilarTrailers GET /Trailers/{itemId}/Similar Gets similar items.
LibraryAPI getThemeMedia GET /Items/{itemId}/ThemeMedia Get theme songs and videos for an item.
LibraryAPI getThemeSongs GET /Items/{itemId}/ThemeSongs Get theme songs for an item.
LibraryAPI getThemeVideos GET /Items/{itemId}/ThemeVideos Get theme videos for an item.
LibraryAPI postAddedMovies POST /Library/Movies/Added Reports that new movies have been added by an external source.
LibraryAPI postAddedSeries POST /Library/Series/Added Reports that new episodes of a series have been added by an external source.
LibraryAPI postUpdatedMedia POST /Library/Media/Updated Reports that new movies have been added by an external source.
LibraryAPI postUpdatedMovies POST /Library/Movies/Updated Reports that new movies have been added by an external source.
LibraryAPI postUpdatedSeries POST /Library/Series/Updated Reports that new episodes of a series have been added by an external source.
LibraryAPI refreshLibrary POST /Library/Refresh Starts a library scan.
LibraryStructureAPI addMediaPath POST /Library/VirtualFolders/Paths Add a media path to a library.
LibraryStructureAPI addVirtualFolder POST /Library/VirtualFolders Adds a virtual folder.
LibraryStructureAPI getVirtualFolders GET /Library/VirtualFolders Gets all virtual folders.
LibraryStructureAPI removeMediaPath DELETE /Library/VirtualFolders/Paths Remove a media path.
LibraryStructureAPI removeVirtualFolder DELETE /Library/VirtualFolders Removes a virtual folder.
LibraryStructureAPI renameVirtualFolder POST /Library/VirtualFolders/Name Renames a virtual folder.
LibraryStructureAPI updateLibraryOptions POST /Library/VirtualFolders/LibraryOptions Update library options.
LibraryStructureAPI updateMediaPath POST /Library/VirtualFolders/Paths/Update Updates a media path.
LiveTvAPI addListingProvider POST /LiveTv/ListingProviders Adds a listings provider.
LiveTvAPI addTunerHost POST /LiveTv/TunerHosts Adds a tuner host.
LiveTvAPI cancelSeriesTimer DELETE /LiveTv/SeriesTimers/{timerId} Cancels a live tv series timer.
LiveTvAPI cancelTimer DELETE /LiveTv/Timers/{timerId} Cancels a live tv timer.
LiveTvAPI createSeriesTimer POST /LiveTv/SeriesTimers Creates a live tv series timer.
LiveTvAPI createTimer POST /LiveTv/Timers Creates a live tv timer.
LiveTvAPI deleteListingProvider DELETE /LiveTv/ListingProviders Delete listing provider.
LiveTvAPI deleteRecording DELETE /LiveTv/Recordings/{recordingId} Deletes a live tv recording.
LiveTvAPI deleteTunerHost DELETE /LiveTv/TunerHosts Deletes a tuner host.
LiveTvAPI discoverTuners GET /LiveTv/Tuners/Discover Discover tuners.
LiveTvAPI discvoverTuners GET /LiveTv/Tuners/Discvover Discover tuners.
LiveTvAPI getChannel GET /LiveTv/Channels/{channelId} Gets a live tv channel.
LiveTvAPI getChannelMappingOptions GET /LiveTv/ChannelMappingOptions Get channel mapping options.
LiveTvAPI getDefaultListingProvider GET /LiveTv/ListingProviders/Default Gets default listings provider info.
LiveTvAPI getDefaultTimer GET /LiveTv/Timers/Defaults Gets the default values for a new timer.
LiveTvAPI getGuideInfo GET /LiveTv/GuideInfo Get guid info.
LiveTvAPI getLineups GET /LiveTv/ListingProviders/Lineups Gets available lineups.
LiveTvAPI getLiveRecordingFile GET /LiveTv/LiveRecordings/{recordingId}/stream Gets a live tv recording stream.
LiveTvAPI getLiveStreamFile GET /LiveTv/LiveStreamFiles/{streamId}/stream.{container} Gets a live tv channel stream.
LiveTvAPI getLiveTvChannels GET /LiveTv/Channels Gets available live tv channels.
LiveTvAPI getLiveTvInfo GET /LiveTv/Info Gets available live tv services.
LiveTvAPI getLiveTvPrograms GET /LiveTv/Programs Gets available live tv epgs.
LiveTvAPI getProgram GET /LiveTv/Programs/{programId} Gets a live tv program.
LiveTvAPI getPrograms POST /LiveTv/Programs Gets available live tv epgs.
LiveTvAPI getRecommendedPrograms GET /LiveTv/Programs/Recommended Gets recommended live tv epgs.
LiveTvAPI getRecording GET /LiveTv/Recordings/{recordingId} Gets a live tv recording.
LiveTvAPI getRecordingFolders GET /LiveTv/Recordings/Folders Gets recording folders.
LiveTvAPI getRecordingGroup GET /LiveTv/Recordings/Groups/{groupId} Get recording group.
LiveTvAPI getRecordingGroups GET /LiveTv/Recordings/Groups Gets live tv recording groups.
LiveTvAPI getRecordings GET /LiveTv/Recordings Gets live tv recordings.
LiveTvAPI getRecordingsSeries GET /LiveTv/Recordings/Series Gets live tv recording series.
LiveTvAPI getSchedulesDirectCountries GET /LiveTv/ListingProviders/SchedulesDirect/Countries Gets available countries.
LiveTvAPI getSeriesTimer GET /LiveTv/SeriesTimers/{timerId} Gets a live tv series timer.
LiveTvAPI getSeriesTimers GET /LiveTv/SeriesTimers Gets live tv series timers.
LiveTvAPI getTimer GET /LiveTv/Timers/{timerId} Gets a timer.
LiveTvAPI getTimers GET /LiveTv/Timers Gets the live tv timers.
LiveTvAPI getTunerHostTypes GET /LiveTv/TunerHosts/Types Get tuner host types.
LiveTvAPI resetTuner POST /LiveTv/Tuners/{tunerId}/Reset Resets a tv tuner.
LiveTvAPI setChannelMapping POST /LiveTv/ChannelMappings Set channel mappings.
LiveTvAPI updateSeriesTimer POST /LiveTv/SeriesTimers/{timerId} Updates a live tv series timer.
LiveTvAPI updateTimer POST /LiveTv/Timers/{timerId} Updates a live tv timer.
LocalizationAPI getCountries GET /Localization/Countries Gets known countries.
LocalizationAPI getCultures GET /Localization/Cultures Gets known cultures.
LocalizationAPI getLocalizationOptions GET /Localization/Options Gets localization options.
LocalizationAPI getParentalRatings GET /Localization/ParentalRatings Gets known parental ratings.
MediaInfoAPI closeLiveStream POST /LiveStreams/Close Closes a media source.
MediaInfoAPI getBitrateTestBytes GET /Playback/BitrateTest Tests the network with a request with the size of the bitrate.
MediaInfoAPI getPlaybackInfo GET /Items/{itemId}/PlaybackInfo Gets live playback media info for an item.
MediaInfoAPI getPostedPlaybackInfo POST /Items/{itemId}/PlaybackInfo Gets live playback media info for an item.
MediaInfoAPI openLiveStream POST /LiveStreams/Open Opens a media source.
MoviesAPI getMovieRecommendations GET /Movies/Recommendations Gets movie recommendations.
MusicGenresAPI getMusicGenre GET /MusicGenres/{genreName} Gets a music genre, by name.
MusicGenresAPI getMusicGenres GET /MusicGenres Gets all music genres from a given item, folder, or the entire library.
NotificationsAPI createAdminNotification POST /Notifications/Admin Sends a notification to all admins.
NotificationsAPI getNotificationServices GET /Notifications/Services Gets notification services.
NotificationsAPI getNotificationTypes GET /Notifications/Types Gets notification types.
NotificationsAPI getNotifications GET /Notifications/{userId} Gets a user's notifications.
NotificationsAPI getNotificationsSummary GET /Notifications/{userId}/Summary Gets a user's notification summary.
NotificationsAPI setRead POST /Notifications/{userId}/Read Sets notifications as read.
NotificationsAPI setUnread POST /Notifications/{userId}/Unread Sets notifications as unread.
PackageAPI cancelPackageInstallation DELETE /Packages/Installing/{packageId} Cancels a package installation.
PackageAPI getPackageInfo GET /Packages/{name} Gets a package by name or assembly GUID.
PackageAPI getPackages GET /Packages Gets available packages.
PackageAPI getRepositories GET /Repositories Gets all package repositories.
PackageAPI installPackage POST /Packages/Installed/{name} Installs a package.
PackageAPI setRepositories POST /Repositories Sets the enabled and existing package repositories.
PersonsAPI getPerson GET /Persons/{name} Get person by name.
PersonsAPI getPersons GET /Persons Gets all persons.
PlaylistsAPI addToPlaylist POST /Playlists/{playlistId}/Items Adds items to a playlist.
PlaylistsAPI createPlaylist POST /Playlists Creates a new playlist.
PlaylistsAPI getPlaylistItems GET /Playlists/{playlistId}/Items Gets the original items of a playlist.
PlaylistsAPI moveItem POST /Playlists/{playlistId}/Items/{itemId}/Move/{newIndex} Moves a playlist item.
PlaylistsAPI removeFromPlaylist DELETE /Playlists/{playlistId}/Items Removes items from a playlist.
PlaystateAPI markPlayedItem POST /Users/{userId}/PlayedItems/{itemId} Marks an item as played for user.
PlaystateAPI markUnplayedItem DELETE /Users/{userId}/PlayedItems/{itemId} Marks an item as unplayed for user.
PlaystateAPI onPlaybackProgress POST /Users/{userId}/PlayingItems/{itemId}/Progress Reports a user's playback progress.
PlaystateAPI onPlaybackStart POST /Users/{userId}/PlayingItems/{itemId} Reports that a user has begun playing an item.
PlaystateAPI onPlaybackStopped DELETE /Users/{userId}/PlayingItems/{itemId} Reports that a user has stopped playing an item.
PlaystateAPI pingPlaybackSession POST /Sessions/Playing/Ping Pings a playback session.
PlaystateAPI reportPlaybackProgress POST /Sessions/Playing/Progress Reports playback progress within a session.
PlaystateAPI reportPlaybackStart POST /Sessions/Playing Reports playback has started within a session.
PlaystateAPI reportPlaybackStopped POST /Sessions/Playing/Stopped Reports playback has stopped within a session.
PluginsAPI disablePlugin POST /Plugins/{pluginId}/{version}/Disable Disable a plugin.
PluginsAPI enablePlugin POST /Plugins/{pluginId}/{version}/Enable Enables a disabled plugin.
PluginsAPI getPluginConfiguration GET /Plugins/{pluginId}/Configuration Gets plugin configuration.
PluginsAPI getPluginImage GET /Plugins/{pluginId}/{version}/Image Gets a plugin's image.
PluginsAPI getPluginManifest POST /Plugins/{pluginId}/Manifest Gets a plugin's manifest.
PluginsAPI getPlugins GET /Plugins Gets a list of currently installed plugins.
PluginsAPI uninstallPlugin DELETE /Plugins/{pluginId} Uninstalls a plugin.
PluginsAPI uninstallPluginByVersion DELETE /Plugins/{pluginId}/{version} Uninstalls a plugin by version.
PluginsAPI updatePluginConfiguration POST /Plugins/{pluginId}/Configuration Updates plugin configuration.
QuickConnectAPI authorize POST /QuickConnect/Authorize Authorizes a pending quick connect request.
QuickConnectAPI connect GET /QuickConnect/Connect Attempts to retrieve authentication information.
QuickConnectAPI getEnabled GET /QuickConnect/Enabled Gets the current quick connect state.
QuickConnectAPI initiate GET /QuickConnect/Initiate Initiate a new quick connect request.
RemoteImageAPI downloadRemoteImage POST /Items/{itemId}/RemoteImages/Download Downloads a remote image for an item.
RemoteImageAPI getRemoteImageProviders GET /Items/{itemId}/RemoteImages/Providers Gets available remote image providers for an item.
RemoteImageAPI getRemoteImages GET /Items/{itemId}/RemoteImages Gets available remote images for an item.
ScheduledTasksAPI getTask GET /ScheduledTasks/{taskId} Get task by id.
ScheduledTasksAPI getTasks GET /ScheduledTasks Get tasks.
ScheduledTasksAPI startTask POST /ScheduledTasks/Running/{taskId} Start specified task.
ScheduledTasksAPI stopTask DELETE /ScheduledTasks/Running/{taskId} Stop specified task.
ScheduledTasksAPI updateTask POST /ScheduledTasks/{taskId}/Triggers Update specified task triggers.
SearchAPI callGet GET /Search/Hints Gets the search hint result.
SessionAPI addUserToSession POST /Sessions/{sessionId}/User/{userId} Adds an additional user to a session.
SessionAPI displayContent POST /Sessions/{sessionId}/Viewing Instructs a session to browse to an item or view.
SessionAPI getAuthProviders GET /Auth/Providers Get all auth providers.
SessionAPI getPasswordResetProviders GET /Auth/PasswordResetProviders Get all password reset providers.
SessionAPI getSessions GET /Sessions Gets a list of sessions.
SessionAPI play POST /Sessions/{sessionId}/Playing Instructs a session to play an item.
SessionAPI postCapabilities POST /Sessions/Capabilities Updates capabilities for a device.
SessionAPI postFullCapabilities POST /Sessions/Capabilities/Full Updates capabilities for a device.
SessionAPI removeUserFromSession DELETE /Sessions/{sessionId}/User/{userId} Removes an additional user from a session.
SessionAPI reportSessionEnded POST /Sessions/Logout Reports that a session has ended.
SessionAPI reportViewing POST /Sessions/Viewing Reports that a session is viewing an item.
SessionAPI sendFullGeneralCommand POST /Sessions/{sessionId}/Command Issues a full general command to a client.
SessionAPI sendGeneralCommand POST /Sessions/{sessionId}/Command/{command} Issues a general command to a client.
SessionAPI sendMessageCommand POST /Sessions/{sessionId}/Message Issues a command to a client to display a message to the user.
SessionAPI sendPlaystateCommand POST /Sessions/{sessionId}/Playing/{command} Issues a playstate command to a client.
SessionAPI sendSystemCommand POST /Sessions/{sessionId}/System/{command} Issues a system command to a client.
StartupAPI completeWizard POST /Startup/Complete Completes the startup wizard.
StartupAPI getFirstUser GET /Startup/User Gets the first user.
StartupAPI getFirstUser2 GET /Startup/FirstUser Gets the first user.
StartupAPI getStartupConfiguration GET /Startup/Configuration Gets the initial startup wizard configuration.
StartupAPI setRemoteAccess POST /Startup/RemoteAccess Sets remote access and UPnP.
StartupAPI updateInitialConfiguration POST /Startup/Configuration Sets the initial startup wizard configuration.
StartupAPI updateStartupUser POST /Startup/User Sets the user name and password.
StudiosAPI getStudio GET /Studios/{name} Gets a studio by name.
StudiosAPI getStudios GET /Studios Gets all studios from a given item, folder, or the entire library.
SubtitleAPI deleteSubtitle DELETE /Videos/{itemId}/Subtitles/{index} Deletes an external subtitle file.
SubtitleAPI downloadRemoteSubtitles POST /Items/{itemId}/RemoteSearch/Subtitles/{subtitleId} Downloads a remote subtitle.
SubtitleAPI getFallbackFont GET /FallbackFont/Fonts/{name} Gets a fallback font file.
SubtitleAPI getFallbackFontList GET /FallbackFont/Fonts Gets a list of available fallback font files.
SubtitleAPI getRemoteSubtitles GET /Providers/Subtitles/Subtitles/{id} Gets the remote subtitles.
SubtitleAPI getSubtitle GET /Videos/{routeItemId}/{routeMediaSourceId}/Subtitles/{routeIndex}/Stream.{routeFormat} Gets subtitles in a specified format.
SubtitleAPI getSubtitlePlaylist GET /Videos/{itemId}/{mediaSourceId}/Subtitles/{index}/subtitles.m3u8 Gets an HLS subtitle playlist.
SubtitleAPI getSubtitleWithTicks GET /Videos/{routeItemId}/{routeMediaSourceId}/Subtitles/{routeIndex}/{routeStartPositionTicks}/Stream.{routeFormat} Gets subtitles in a specified format.
SubtitleAPI searchRemoteSubtitles GET /Items/{itemId}/RemoteSearch/Subtitles/{language} Search remote subtitles.
SubtitleAPI uploadSubtitle POST /Videos/{itemId}/Subtitles Upload an external subtitle file.
SuggestionsAPI getSuggestions GET /Users/{userId}/Suggestions Gets suggestions.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayBuffering POST /SyncPlay/Buffering Notify SyncPlay group that member is buffering.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayCreateGroup POST /SyncPlay/New Create a new SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayGetGroups GET /SyncPlay/List Gets all SyncPlay groups.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayJoinGroup POST /SyncPlay/Join Join an existing SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayLeaveGroup POST /SyncPlay/Leave Leave the joined SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayMovePlaylistItem POST /SyncPlay/MovePlaylistItem Request to move an item in the playlist in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayNextItem POST /SyncPlay/NextItem Request next item in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayPause POST /SyncPlay/Pause Request pause in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayPing POST /SyncPlay/Ping Update session ping.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayPreviousItem POST /SyncPlay/PreviousItem Request previous item in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayQueue POST /SyncPlay/Queue Request to queue items to the playlist of a SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayReady POST /SyncPlay/Ready Notify SyncPlay group that member is ready for playback.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayRemoveFromPlaylist POST /SyncPlay/RemoveFromPlaylist Request to remove items from the playlist in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlaySeek POST /SyncPlay/Seek Request seek in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlaySetIgnoreWait POST /SyncPlay/SetIgnoreWait Request SyncPlay group to ignore member during group-wait.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlaySetNewQueue POST /SyncPlay/SetNewQueue Request to set new playlist in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlaySetPlaylistItem POST /SyncPlay/SetPlaylistItem Request to change playlist item in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlaySetRepeatMode POST /SyncPlay/SetRepeatMode Request to set repeat mode in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlaySetShuffleMode POST /SyncPlay/SetShuffleMode Request to set shuffle mode in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayStop POST /SyncPlay/Stop Request stop in SyncPlay group.
SyncPlayAPI syncPlayUnpause POST /SyncPlay/Unpause Request unpause in SyncPlay group.
SystemAPI getEndpointInfo GET /System/Endpoint Gets information about the request endpoint.
SystemAPI getLogFile GET /System/Logs/Log Gets a log file.
SystemAPI getPingSystem GET /System/Ping Pings the system.
SystemAPI getPublicSystemInfo GET /System/Info/Public Gets public information about the server.
SystemAPI getServerLogs GET /System/Logs Gets a list of available server log files.
SystemAPI getSystemInfo GET /System/Info Gets information about the server.
SystemAPI getWakeOnLanInfo GET /System/WakeOnLanInfo Gets wake on lan information.
SystemAPI postPingSystem POST /System/Ping Pings the system.
SystemAPI restartApplication POST /System/Restart Restarts the application.
SystemAPI shutdownApplication POST /System/Shutdown Shuts down the application.
TimeSyncAPI getUtcTime GET /GetUtcTime Gets the current UTC time.
TmdbAPI tmdbClientConfiguration GET /Tmdb/ClientConfiguration Gets the TMDb image configuration options.
TrailersAPI getTrailers GET /Trailers Finds movies and trailers similar to a given trailer.
TvShowsAPI getEpisodes GET /Shows/{seriesId}/Episodes Gets episodes for a tv season.
TvShowsAPI getNextUp GET /Shows/NextUp Gets a list of next up episodes.
TvShowsAPI getSeasons GET /Shows/{seriesId}/Seasons Gets seasons for a tv series.
TvShowsAPI getUpcomingEpisodes GET /Shows/Upcoming Gets a list of upcoming episodes.
UniversalAudioAPI getUniversalAudioStream GET /Audio/{itemId}/universal Gets an audio stream.
UniversalAudioAPI headUniversalAudioStream HEAD /Audio/{itemId}/universal Gets an audio stream.
UserAPI authenticateUser POST /Users/{userId}/Authenticate Authenticates a user.
UserAPI authenticateUserByName POST /Users/AuthenticateByName Authenticates a user by name.
UserAPI authenticateWithQuickConnect POST /Users/AuthenticateWithQuickConnect Authenticates a user with quick connect.
UserAPI createUserByName POST /Users/New Creates a user.
UserAPI deleteUser DELETE /Users/{userId} Deletes a user.
UserAPI forgotPassword POST /Users/ForgotPassword Initiates the forgot password process for a local user.
UserAPI forgotPasswordPin POST /Users/ForgotPassword/Pin Redeems a forgot password pin.
UserAPI getCurrentUser GET /Users/Me Gets the user based on auth token.
UserAPI getPublicUsers GET /Users/Public Gets a list of publicly visible users for display on a login screen.
UserAPI getUserById GET /Users/{userId} Gets a user by Id.
UserAPI getUsers GET /Users Gets a list of users.
UserAPI updateUser POST /Users/{userId} Updates a user.
UserAPI updateUserConfiguration POST /Users/{userId}/Configuration Updates a user configuration.
UserAPI updateUserEasyPassword POST /Users/{userId}/EasyPassword Updates a user's easy password.
UserAPI updateUserPassword POST /Users/{userId}/Password Updates a user's password.
UserAPI updateUserPolicy POST /Users/{userId}/Policy Updates a user policy.
UserLibraryAPI deleteUserItemRating DELETE /Users/{userId}/Items/{itemId}/Rating Deletes a user's saved personal rating for an item.
UserLibraryAPI getIntros GET /Users/{userId}/Items/{itemId}/Intros Gets intros to play before the main media item plays.
UserLibraryAPI getItem GET /Users/{userId}/Items/{itemId} Gets an item from a user's library.
UserLibraryAPI getLatestMedia GET /Users/{userId}/Items/Latest Gets latest media.
UserLibraryAPI getLocalTrailers GET /Users/{userId}/Items/{itemId}/LocalTrailers Gets local trailers for an item.
UserLibraryAPI getRootFolder GET /Users/{userId}/Items/Root Gets the root folder from a user's library.
UserLibraryAPI getSpecialFeatures GET /Users/{userId}/Items/{itemId}/SpecialFeatures Gets special features for an item.
UserLibraryAPI markFavoriteItem POST /Users/{userId}/FavoriteItems/{itemId} Marks an item as a favorite.
UserLibraryAPI unmarkFavoriteItem DELETE /Users/{userId}/FavoriteItems/{itemId} Unmarks item as a favorite.
UserLibraryAPI updateUserItemRating POST /Users/{userId}/Items/{itemId}/Rating Updates a user's rating for an item.
UserViewsAPI getGroupingOptions GET /Users/{userId}/GroupingOptions Get user view grouping options.
UserViewsAPI getUserViews GET /Users/{userId}/Views Get user views.
VideoAttachmentsAPI getAttachment GET /Videos/{videoId}/{mediaSourceId}/Attachments/{index} Get video attachment.
VideosAPI deleteAlternateSources DELETE /Videos/{itemId}/AlternateSources Removes alternate video sources.
VideosAPI getAdditionalPart GET /Videos/{itemId}/AdditionalParts Gets additional parts for a video.
VideosAPI getVideoStream GET /Videos/{itemId}/stream Gets a video stream.
VideosAPI getVideoStreamByContainer GET /Videos/{itemId}/stream.{container} Gets a video stream.
VideosAPI headVideoStream HEAD /Videos/{itemId}/stream Gets a video stream.
VideosAPI headVideoStreamByContainer HEAD /Videos/{itemId}/stream.{container} Gets a video stream.
VideosAPI mergeVersions POST /Videos/MergeVersions Merges videos into a single record.
YearsAPI getYear GET /Years/{year} Gets a year.
YearsAPI getYears GET /Years Get years.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header



Autogenerated JellyfinAPI Driver (using openapi-generator)






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