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AcFun Live ToolBox

// test


An AcFun-FOSS project.

请参阅 GIT 使用法


  • Node.js LTS latest.
  • Yarn ≥ 3.


1. Setup yarn

First, switch to node.js lts latest.

ℹ️ NOTE: It is reported that switching between different version of node with nvm or something else may needs a restart of shell to take effect.

After that, run

node --version

to check if node is usable.


cd acfun-live-toolbox-MKII
corepack enable
yarn set version stable

2. Setup development environment variables

⚠ ATTENTION: Every time a new shell session is entered, you should always perform this step once as long as you're gonna download anything with yarn. After perform this step, don't close your terminal window, make sure you run yarn install or yarn add or something else in the same shell session.

Windows (CMD):

CALL dev-tools\setup_dev_envvars

Windows (PowerShell):


UNIX (UNIX Shell):

source ./dev-tools/

3. Install dependencies

yarn install

Run & Debug

Run the project directly

yarn run dev

Debug in VSCode or Emacs (dap-mode)


Debug in other editors


node_modules\.bin\electron --remote-debugging-port=9229 .


node_modules/.bin/electron --remote-debugging-port=9229 .

Then attach your debugger to port 9229.


  ├─┬ electron        == code that run in electron main thread.
  │ ├─┬ main
  │ │ └── index.ts    entry of Electron-Main
  │ └─┬ preload
  │   └── index.ts    entry of Preload-Scripts
  ├─┬ src             == code that run in electron renderer thread.
  │ └── main.ts       entry of Electron-Renderer
  ├── index.html
  ├── package.json
  └── vite.config.ts