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React Native tutorial for UMN App Developers Club

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React Native Todo App

This is a tutorial for creating a todo list android application using React Native as part of a series of workshops.

Where do I start?

Right here.

Part 0: Getting this repo on your computer

  1. Get familiar with git and Github if you aren't already!
  2. Clone this repo. You can do this by running git clone Then you can type cd react-native-todo and all of this will be in your working directory!
  3. Follow the rest of this tutorial.
  4. If you think you made a mistake, check out the src directory for the completed project.


Part 1: Prerequisites

Make sure you familiarize with the build/test tools as well as the basics of React Native before getting started.

  • How do you create a blank project?
  • Can you change a headline on to make it seem like a headline from The Onion and change its link to rickroll when clicked? (Hint: the href attribute of an a tag controls the destination of a link)
  • What's the difference between prop and state?

Part 2: Components, Styling, and Testing

  1. Create a blank project. You can do this at, but I recommend doing this through the expo CLI. Working from the command line will make deployment and github integration much easier.
  2. Open App.js, which is the entry point to your app.
  3. Let's start with importing our dependencies
import * as React from 'react';
import { Text, View, FlatList, Button, TextInput, StyleSheet, AsyncStorage, ActivityIndicator } from 'react-native';
  • We need to import anything that isn't part of the JavaScript language
  • The * is pronounced 'wildcard' and means everything in a certain module.
  • The as keyword allows you to give a chosen name to the import. This is called aliasing.
  • Unless you're using a library like react-native-paper, you can generally find a component's documentation here.
  1. Entry point boilerplate or: How I learned to stop pasting boilerplate and remember the syntax
export default class App extends React.Component {
  • This part should have already been written for you by the expo CLI or snack
  • The export statement is used to create a JavaScript module that can then be imported for use in other apps. We could have created another component with export default class MyComponent extends React.Component in a file ./MyComponent.js and imported that in App.js with import MyComponent from './MyComponent'. This is what you would do when creating a larger project.
  • default makes a more subtle difference. It names the module so that you do not need to give it a name on import like in import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent.
  • All components must extend the React.Component interface and implement its render() method.
  1. Let's implement render()
export default class App extends React.Component {
	render() {
		return (
				<Text>Todo List</Text>
  • Here, View is needed as a container since render can only return one JSX element. Think of it as an invisible rectangular container that can hold components.
  • FlatList will eventually hold the entries of our list.
  • TextInput will be the user's mechanism of submitting a new entry.
  1. Create our initial list.
export default class App extends React.Component {
	constructor(props) {
		this.state = {
			tasks: [{ text: "Start by adding a task!" }],
			text: ""

	render() {	
		return (
				<Text>Todo List</Text>
					renderItem={ ({item, index}) =>
  • Constructors have a similar function in React as in other programming languages. They serve as initialization methods. super(props); is required inside of constructor.
  • State serves as a mutable data store that can change over time. We will update it as we add new tasks to the list. It's in JSON format, where objects are enclosed with {} and have key:value, key2:value2 pairs while arrays are comma-separated like this: [0,1,2,3].
  • FlatList requires data in the form of an array. You must also implement the renderItem function as a prop. The function iterates over each element in the array (taking the element's value and index as an argument) and renders a component for it in the list.
  • When you reference JavaScript code in JSX, it must be surrounded by {}.
  • this is a notoriously confusing keyword. It refers to the class surrounding the current block of code. In this case, the class is App which is a component since it extends React.Component.
  1. Making things pretty.
export default class App extends React.Component {
	render() {
		return (
				<Text style={styles.title}>Todo List</Text>
					renderItem={ ({item, index}) =>
						<View style={styles.item}>
							<Text style={styles.item}>{item.text}</Text>
					placeholder="Type to add a task!"	

const styles = StyleSheet.create(
		list: {
			width: '100%'
		title: {
			fontSize: 32,
			textAlign: 'center',
			margin: 20
		item: {
			padding: 8,
			flexDirection: 'row',
			alignItems: 'center',
			justifyContent: 'space-between'
  • We use CSS syntax for style sheets.
  • flex is a feature in CSS that's heavily used when designing user interfaces for mobile devices. This guide can explain it much better than I can, but it is essentially describing what proportion of the screen a component should cover. For example, if there are two components inside of a <View> when one has flex: 2 and the other has flex: 1, then they will cover 2/3 and 1/3 of the view, respectively.
  • The difference between padding and margin is also notoriously confusing. Padding can be described as the distance between the content and the border of a component. Margin can be thought as the distance between the border of a component and the border of another component. The following image illustrates this:

Margin vs. Padding

  • Notice how we can define a const outside of the component and reference it inside.
  1. Test it out to see your app in action!
  • Run expo start in the directory that has App.js. This should bring you to a page with the Metro bundler, the tool Facebook created for building and testing React Native apps. Here's what you should see:

Metro bundler in the terminal

Metro bundler in the browser

  • You will know your app is finished building when there's a log saying Building JavaScript bundle: finished in XXXms on both the terminal and the browser page.
  • At this point, you may scan the QR code (using the camera app on iOS or the expo app on Android) and you will see the results in the expo app.
  • If you're using snack, you can see the output for the app on the right-hand side.

Part 3: Data Manipulation and State Handling

  1. Let's start by making sure the text in our TextInput updates our app's state.
export default class App extends React.Component {
	constructor(props) {

	updateText = (text) => {
		this.setState({ text: text });

	render() {
		render (
					placeholder="Type to add a task!"
  • The (param) => { } syntax is just another way to define a method. We could also write updateText(text) { }.
  • setState is a method you can use for any React Component. It updates the state. Note that this is different than saying this.state = { text: text }, because initially our state has two keys: tasks (an array of JSON objects) and text (a string). This call to setState only updates the value associated with the text key.
  • value and onChangeText are props of TextInput. To make use of them and fully understand how they work, you have to look at the documentation. This is what you'll have to do when you use a component you didn't create from scratch.
  1. Now that we can keep track of what's in the TextInput, we need to handle our app's behavior when the user submits it.
export default class App extends React.Component {
	updateText = (text) => {
	addTask = () => {
		let isEmpty = this.state.text.trim().length == 0;
		if (!isEmpty) {

	render() {
  • let declares a variable that can be seen inside of its code block. Here, we look at this.state.text (what the user typed in the TextInput and we remove trailing whitespace with trim() then count how many characters are in the string. If the string is empty, then there will be 0 characters and the comparison with 0 will yield true.
  • ! is pronounced 'bang'. It inverts a Boolean variable (one that is true or false) like isEmpty. If isEmpty is true, then !isEmpty is false and vice versa.
  • We don't want to add a task if the user submits nothing or submits a bunch of spaces. That's why we have this if statement.
  1. We need to add functionality for adding tasks
addTask = () => {
	let isEmpty = this.state.text.trim().length == 0;

	if (!isEmpty) {
			(prevState) => {
				let { tasks, text } = prevState;
				return {
					tasks: tasks.concat({ index: tasks.length, text: text }),
					text: ""
  • There's a lot going on here. At the top level, we're using setState again, but not in the way we used before. Previously, we gave it a JSON object and it would update the state. This time we give it a function which it will evaluate by passing it the previous state. Note that the choice of naming the parameter of the function prevState doesn't change the behavior of the program. We could have named the parameter Charles and setState will still give our function the previous state of App.
  • One level down, we define our function. prevState is a JavaScript object with two keys. Using the nifty syntax let { tasks, text } = prevState;, we can 'unpack' that object so we have two variables in our scope: one for each key.
  • Finally, we have the return statement of our function. The output of our function should be a JavaScript object so that setState can update our app's state.
  • We assign a value to the tasks key: tasks: tasks.concat({ index: tasks.length, text: text }). The tasks on the right-hand side refers to the variable we created when we 'unpacked' the previous state. The text on the right-hand side is the other variable created when unpacking. So the value that ends up being associated with the tasks key is just the previous state with another object added (concatenated) to the end of the array. We want the index of the new object to be equal to the number of tasks above it so that the 2nd element is at index 1 and so on.
  • We still need to update what's rendered in our app.
render() {
	return (
  • returnKeyLabel and returnKeyType are simply to make the TextInput compatible with both Android and iOS. "done" just happens to be an action both platforms support.
  1. Let's implement removing tasks.
addTask = () => {

deleteTask = i => {
		(prevState) => {
			let newState = prevState.tasks.slice();
			newState.splice(i, 1);
			return { tasks: newState };

render() {
  • We're using the same approach as addTask: giving setState a function to evaluate given the previous state.
  • slice gives us a copy of the tasks array so that we can modify it before returning.
  • splice removes 1 element at index i.
  • We update the state with the list of tasks minus the one we just deleted
  • The user still needs a way to delete a specific task
render() {
	return (
			renderItem = {
				({ item, index }) =>
				<View style={styles.item}>
					<Text style={styles.item}>{item.text}</Text>
					<Button title="x" onPress={ () => this.deleteTask(index) } />

And we're done! Test the app out. It should look like this when it's in action.

Part 4: Persistent Lists using AsyncStorage

  • Todo lists aren't very useful if they go away after you exit the app.
  • Let's add some memory to the app that persists between sessions.
  • We'll use AsyncStorage for this.
  • The 'Async' part of AsyncStorage stands for asynchronous. That means there may be some time delay between when its methods are called and when it will return a response. JavaScript has its own way of dealing with asynchronicity, so we're going to have to learn some new syntax.
  • AsyncStorage is local to the device running the app and every component can see its contents.
  • It organizes its data with key-value pairs, where both of them are strings.
  • Let's make it so that the app pulls from AsyncStorage every time the user opens the app.
constructor(props) {
	this.state = {
		loaded: false


deleteTask = i => {

async componentDidMount() {
	const items = await AsyncStorage.getItem("TASKS");
		if (items !== null) {
			this.setState({tasks: JSON.parse(items)});
		this.setState({loaded: true});

render() {
	if (!this.state.loaded) {
		return <ActivityIndicator/>
  • We need to prefix each asynchronous function with the keyword async. This allows us to use the keyword await, which waits until an asynchronous call can resolve to a value.
  • componentDidMount is another special method for components besides render. It is called after the constructor and is able to be asynchronous.
  • Since componentDidMount is asynchronous and render is not, we need to make sure that the incorrect data is not being rendered before the data is updated in componentDidMount. We do this by having a loaded key in our state that is false by default and is only made true when componentDidMount is finished. In the time that componentDidMount takes to finish, render will simply display a loading wheel because of ActivityIndicator.
  • Note that we reference the key "TASKS" before we ever assign a value to that key. When the user opens the app for the first time, the value associated with "TASKS" will be null or empty. We only update our data if "TASKS" has a non-null value.
  • AsyncStorage.getItem takes two arguments. The first is which key to look for its value. The second is a function to call when the lookup is complete. That function, called a callback, could handle errors, but we won't be doing that in this rather simple app.
  • This call to JSON.parse is a preview of what we will be doing next. JSON.parse takes a JSON string and converts it to an object. This bridges the gap between AsyncStorage, which wants a string key to store a string value, and setState, which takes an object.
  • Now let's actually allow "TASKS" to have a value that can be changed by the user.
addTask = () => {
	let isEmpty = this.state.text.trim().length == 0;

	if (!isEmpty) {
			(prevState) => {
			async () => await AsyncStorage.setItem("TASKS", JSON.stringify(this.state.tasks))

deleteTask = i => {
		(prevState) => {
		async () => await AsyncStorage.setItem("TASKS", JSON.stringify(this.state.tasks))
  • Here, we're using an optional argument for setState: a function to call after setting the state. The function is another example of a callback.
  • Our callback is asynchronous and is what's updating AsyncStorage with the tasks being added and deleted. Since state is an object, we need to call JSON.stringify to turn it in a string so that AsyncStorage can store it.
  • AsyncStorage.setItem takes two arguments: the string key and the string value with to which associate it
  • Now, when the user adds or deletes a task, AsyncStorage will see this and update its data. Remembering back to what we did earlier with componentDidMount, the value associated with "TASK" will no longer be null. When the user closes the app and opens it again, componentDidMount will see that there is saved data under "TASKS" and change what will eventually be rendered for the user.
  • Try looking at the code we just wrote and see if you can find which line support the each step of reasoning in the above bullet point.
  • That's it! We now have a working todo list app that's actually usable!

Part 5: Deployment to Google Play Store

  • Make sure the app works by running expo start and trying it out on your phone. You can also import your code to to test on android if you don't have an android device.
  • Follow the steps of Expo's documentation on building and uploading, and deploying. You should consult these if something goes wrong.
  • A previous version of this guide used the expo build system; please use the EAS CLI build system instead.
  • Enjoy your todo list as well as your new React Native skills and knowledge!

Adapted from todo app with react native

Last updated: 02/23/2022

Run git pull to update


React Native tutorial for UMN App Developers Club






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