Citation for the use of any code:
Bucheli et al. (2022). Heat Risks in Swiss Milk Production. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
The code has the following modular structure:
01_sample_geo: Prepares the data, identifies the location of a farm and creates figure 1
02_RH_municipality: Get's relative humidity for each municipality center by identifying the closest weather station
03_Daily_THI: Calculates hourly THI-values for each farm
04_Precipitation: Calculates cumulative precipitation for each farm
05_Daily_temperature: Calculates hourly temperature-values for each farm
06_1_model_revenue: Model calibration and estimation for milk revenues
06_2_figure_revenue: Figures for milk revenues
07_1_model_veterinary: Model calibration and estimation for veterinary expenses
07_2_figure_veterinary: Figures for veterinary expenses
08_1_model_feed: Model calibration and estimation for feed purchases
08_2_figure_feed: Figures for feed purchases
09_descriptive_figures: Figures for descriptive statistics
The appendix contains code to derive minimum detectable slopes of the models and run the robustness checks. Robustness checks only contain codes different from the main specification. Run these codes together with correpsonding modular codes 01-08.