This action will deploy a single application to Discord using Discord Dispatch
Required The ID of your Discord application. (It is advisable to use this as a secret).
Required The name of the branch that will be used to push the build to. This will create a new branch if one is not found under that name.
Required The bot token found for your application from the Discord developer section of your application.
Required The path to your Discord Dispatch config file. This should only contain one build and that build should have an application directory of './'
Required The path of the build to be pushed. Make sure the folder contains the executable that your config is pointing to.
Optional Boolean to specify whether or not to apply Discord DRM protection.
Optional The name of the executable. This is required if drmWrap is true
No outputs
uses: AFewDragons/Discord-Dispatch-Deploy@v1-alpha.2
applicationId: ${{ secrets.APP_ID }}
branchName: dev
botToken: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
configPath: ./config.json
buildPath: ./Build/
uses: AFewDragons/Discord-Dispatch-Deploy@v1-alpha.2
applicationId: ${{ secrets.APP_ID }}
branchName: dev
botToken: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
configPath: ./config.json
buildPath: ./Build/
drmWrap: true
executableName: "My Application.exe"