- Put the testing images in TESTING_CAPTCHAS Folder.
- Run main.py file.
- Put the emoji dataset in DATA\Emoji Dataset\{Emoji_Name} Folder according to the emoji.
- Run emoji_augmentation.py for the augmentation of the given emoji dataset.
- Run data_processing.ipynb to make a .csv file containing dataset of both, letters (from emnist-balanced dataset) and emojis (from emoji-augmented dataset) as chosen in the character set and mentioned in character.txt.
- Run train_model.ipynb to train the model. The weights will be saved in WEIGHT Folder as model.h5.
- This model can recognize captchas with letter rotation upto 30 deg.
- Can detect captchas having letters of variable thickness and size.
Checkmark : 1
Cloud: 2
Croissant: 3
Heart: 4
Laugh: 5
Smile: 6
Sun: 7