Automated analysis of behavioral sequences in IntelliCage
IntelliCage is a modern system for conducting automated and long-term behavioral test on behaving rodents.
A processing pipeline of Python packages was utilized to analyze behavioral data obtained in Intellicage.
This allows for identification of novel behavioral sequences that were not apparent in manual analysis.
The following packages are required for using the analysis scripts:
- Pingouin
- NumPy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- IntelliCage archives for running the code are available upon reasonable request.
- Esmaeili, A., Antonova, A., Sitnikova, E., & Smirnov, K. (2021). Whisker trimming during infanthood modifies the development of spike-wave discharges and behavioral sequences in IntelliCage impulsivity paradigm in adult WAG/Rij rats. Behavioural brain research, 113627. Advance online publication.