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Application in Trello
- User Experience Developer.
- User Interface Developer.
- User Experience Writer.
- Graphic Designer.
Rood map - Releases
Improve UI and UX and test all app in all stages
- Connect to the real backend server
- Implement login/signup with email
- Implement reset password functionality
- Set up the backup feature
- Fix bugs and improve the theme
- Set up the shared data submodule
- Set up a responsive layout
- Upgrade to Expo 49
- Add the flat list with indicator library
- Display contributors details
- Add my details
- Implement the roll on scroll animation
- Set up ESLint
- Add a custom font
- Add dark theme
- Improve the theme
- Fix bugs
- Implement localization, running the application in Arabic and supporting RTL systems
- Improve accessibility
- Add skeleton placeholders in the home screen
- Disable the search for products feature due to issues
- Roll on scroll animation
- Set up ESLint
- Add a custom font
- Implement the market section using Redux Toolkit, with search for products and a custom bottom bar
- "Add to cart" card with interactions, different input methods, image view, and calculations
- Improve the yacht screen animations and add a custom bottom bar
- Add the yacht section with a custom image viewer
- Improve the design theme with primary, secondary, and action colors
- Hide the horses section for now
- Redesign the home cards for hotels and contributors
- Repeat v 0.1
- Add multi-language support
- Upgraded bottom tab with dynamic open and close, additional drawer features
- Settings tab with multi-language option and reading theme options
- Horses section added to the Home screen with shared element feature, 3 switchable modals for browsing content, and more
- Add skeleton animations for posts while downloading, resize some icons to improve UI/UX, fix bugs, and improve accessibility
- Follow user functionality that will follow you back
- Repeat v 0.1
- Improve accessibility
- Feeds tab added with text, image, and video posts
- Implement pull to refresh feature
- Scroll to top when tab is in the feeds tab
- Stop the video when scrolling away
- Improve user experience with micro interactions (animations, sounds, and alert messages)
- Improve accessibility tested by Google Accessibility Scanner and Android Talkback
- Follow user functionality that will follow you back
- Create a main bottom tab like Home, Notification, Profile, Cart, or Posts, or more
- Create details screen with features like animations, image slider, payment simulation, chat
Released with the following features: