Repository for Shoonya's backend.
The project was created using Python 3.7. All major dependencies along with the versions are listed in the backend/deploy/requirements.txt
The installation and setup instructions have been tested on the following platforms:
It can be done in 2 ways:-
- using docker by running all services in containers or
- directly running the services on local one by one (like, celery and redis).
If your preference is 1 over 2 please be fixed to this environment and follow the steps below it:
- Docker
- Ubuntu 20.04 OR macOs
If you are using a different operating system, you will have to look at external resources (eg. StackOverflow) to correct any errors.
We recommend you to create a virtual environment to install all the dependencies required for the project.
python3 -m venv <YOUR-ENVIRONMENT-NAME>
source <YOUR-ENVIRONMENT-NAME>/bin/activate # this command may be different based on your OS
# Install dependencies
pip install -r deploy/requirements-dev.txt
To set up the environment variables needed for the project, run the following lines:
cp .env.example ./backend/.env
This creates an .env
file at the root of the project. It is needed to make sure that the project runs correctly. Please go through the file and set the parameters according to your installation.
To create a new secret key, run the following commands (within the virtual environment):
# Open a Python shell
python backend/ shell
>> from import get_random_secret_key
>> get_random_secret_key()
Paste the value you get there into the .env
If Google Cloud Logging is being used, please follow these additional steps:
- Install the
library using the following command:
pip install google-cloud-logging
- Follow the steps to create a Service Account from the following Google Cloud Documentation Page. This will create a Service Account and generate a JSON Key for the Service Account.
- Ensure that atleast the Project Logs Writer role (
) is assigned to the created Service Account. - Add the
variable to the.env
file. This value of this variable should be the path to the JSON Key generated in Step 2. For example,
back to the root folder .Once inside, build the docker containers:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml build
To run the containers:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up -d
To share the database with others, just share the postgres_data and the media folder with others.
Run Migrations (required only for the first time running the project or if you make any changes in the models)
Run the following commands:
# Check if there are any pending migrations
docker-compose exec web python makemigrations
# Run all pending migrations
docker-compose exec web python migrate
# Create a superuser
docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
If there were no errors, congratulations! The project is up and running.
If your preference is 2 over 1 please be fixed to this environment and follow the steps below it:
- Ubuntu 20.04 OR macOs
You can run the following script and each and every step for setting the codebase will be done directly. Please move to a folder in your local where you would like to store the code and run the script given below there:
if [ "$os" = "Linux" ] || [ "$os" = "Darwin" ]; then
git clone
cd Shoonya-Backend
git checkout dev
git pull origin dev
cp .env.example ./backend/.env
cd backend
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./deploy/requirements.txt
new_secret_key=$(python3 -c "from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())")
if sed --version 2>&1 | grep -q 'GNU sed'; then
sed -i "/^SECRET_KEY=/d" "$env_file"
sed -i.bak "/^SECRET_KEY=/d" "$env_file"
rm -f "$env_file.bak"
echo "SECRET_KEY='$new_secret_key'" >> "$env_file"
echo "New secret key has been generated and updated in $env_file"
echo "Cannot run this script on: $os"
Please install and run redis from on port 6379 before starting celery.
To run background tasks for project creation, we need to run the following command in the terminal. This has also been added into the docker-compose.yml
celery command - celery -A shoonya_backend.celery worker -l info
celery command - celery -A shoonya_backend.celery beat --loglevel=info
You can set use the celery to local by modifying CELERY_BROKER_URL = "redis://localhost:6379/0" in ./backend/shoonya_backend/
We can set the concurrency and autoscale in the process as well to manage the number of worker processes in the background. Read more here.
The commands will be as follows
celery -A shoonya_backend.celery worker --concurrency=2 --loglevel=info
celery -A shoonya_backend.celery worker --autoscale=10,3 --loglevel=info
In case you want to raise a PR, kindly run linters as specified below. You can install black by running pip install black and use black
To run black
black ./backend/
Happy Coding!!