This my personal portfolio is build using Django and delpoyed in
You can access my portfolio at
This also conatin other Django Projects that I have built, which is can be found here and also listed below -
- Movie Lens Dataset - Visualisation and Predictions
- Google Serach - Google Search Page recreated using HTML and CSS.
- The Encyclopedia - My version of Wikipedia recreated using Django
- E-Commerce - eBay like E-Commerce Autions Site using Django Framework
- Blog Post - A basic Blog posting site using Django
- E-Shopping - Amazon, Flipkart like cloud shopping platform
- Social Distaning Enforcement System (SDES)
- HMAIL - E-Mailing System
- Verzeo Internship Project
- OCR - An Offline Handwritten Text Segmentation and Recognition System with TensorFlow
- A Basic ToDo App
- E-YOLO (Enhanced YOLO) - This is a proof of concept code base used for a conference paper - Link to Conference Paper
For testing you can use the below user credentional in case of login required
Username : Demo
Email Id :
Password : demo@123
I have also created a python script to delpoy and reload the application in pythonanywhere
NOTE: Run the script after pushing the code to your git repository
- Account in
- Create a API token from settings
- Project already setup in pythonanywhere and deloyed manually atleast once
Now Run script using the below code
python -u <username> -a <api_token> -d <domain> -w <absolute_path_to_git_directory_in_pythonanywhere>