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Instruction List

Aaron Miller edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Instruction List

  • For clarity, capitalized commands are preceded by ↑ +.
  • As a general rule, the capitalized form of a command indicates register manipulation.
Command Function
h j k l Move IP left, down, up, right, respectively.
x Pop a off the Document and discard.
↑ + X Pop the value saved in the register and discard.
d Pop a off the Document, then pop a values off the Document and discard.
1d will discard the top value. 0d will push the top value to the register.
y Pop a off the Document, then duplicate the ath value on the Document and push it to the register. The top value on the stack is the 0th value.
↑ + Y Duplicate the top value from the Document to the register.
p Pop the value saved in the register, then push it to the Document.
↑ + P Duplicate the value saved in the register to the Document.
i Enter insert mode.
↑ + I Enter regin (register insert) mode.
` Escape. Exit insert mode and return to command mode.
If used outside of insert mode, it acts as a trampoline.
w Pop the top value off the Document and output it as a character.
↑ + W Pop the value stored in the Register and output it as a character.
z Pop the top value off the Document and output it as an integer.
↑ + Z Pop the value stored in the Register and output it as an integer.
q Stop execution.
: Get input from the user and push it.
{ Pop a off the Document. If a is 0, rotate IP direction left (counterclockwise) 90°.
} Pop a off the Document. If a is 0, rotate IP direction right (clockwise) 90°.
+ -
* /
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulo.
Pop a and b off the Document, then do b <operator> a and push the result to the Document.
> Pop a and b off the Document. If b > a, push 1 to the Document, otherwise, push 0.
= Pop a and b off the Document. If b = a, push 1 to the Document, otherwise, push 0.
! Logical NOT. Pop a off the Document. If a is 0, push 1 to the Document. Otherwise, push 0.
0-9 Push the corresponding number to the Document.
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