- 🧠 Personal Mind Map, aka ramp-up doc on certain functionality
- Search is done, via a janky tagging system and using grep to find topics
To search for a tag, do:
# The implication that you run this command at the / dir, on a *nix-based OS (or have grep running)
# template
grep -R '<SEARCH>' .
# ex
grep -ER '^<!-- tag:.*term.* -->' .
To add a tag, do:
# creating a html comment
<!-- tag: term1, term2, term3, ...., term_n -->
├── awk ; getting *`awk`y
├── bash-buffoonery ; fun little bash command stuff
├── emacs ; emacs shortcuts and how to be more productive
├── oscp ; reference guide and (hopefully some explanations)
├── perf ; `perf` profiling
├── qemu ; qemu commands and tips
└── r2 ; radare2
; to update use: `tree -d -L1 --noreport`
- Personal Notes on how-to-, accuracy might not 100% up-to-scruff