My name is Sasha Petrenko, and I am a Ph.D. candidate of computer engineering at Missouri S&T in Rolla, MO. I have a background in aerospace engineering, and my current research focus is lifelong machine learning.
Why is your handle @AP6YC?
If you read it like it's in Cyrillic, it spells the word "arboose", which means "watermelon" in Russian.
Why watermelon?
Why not?
Let's fill out the GitHub page template, shall we:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on:
- Finishing my dissertation 📑
- 🌱 I’m currently learning:
- Ways of tackling catastrophic forgetting 🧠 and French 🥐
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on:
- Open source Julia packages 🧑💻 and hot sauce recipes 🌶️
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with:
- How to finish my dissertation on time.
- 💬 Ask me about:
- Anything except how my dissertation is coming along.
- 📫 How to reach me:
- 😄 Pronouns:
- He/him
- ⚡ Fun fact:
- I play jazz piano 🎹 and guitar 🎸, and I like cats 🐈 and weight lifting 🏋️
Some of my projects here include:
- Julia packages:
- AdaptiveResonance.jl: a Julia package for Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) algorithms.
- ClusterValidityIndices.jl: a Julia package for incremental and batch cluster validity indices (CVI/ICVI), which are unsupervised metrics for clustering performance.
- MetaICVI.jl: a Julia package implementing the MetaICVI hybrid unsupervised metric method that I coauthored.
- NumericalTypeAliases.jl: a Julia package for abstract and concrete type aliases that I often use in my Julia packages and research repos.
- PyCallJLD2.jl: a Julia package for saving and loading PyCall.PyObjects with JLD2.
- Rocketeer.jl: a Julia package implementing the Rocket method (that I did not author, just a fan).
- Python packages:
- cvi: a Python package for incremental and batch cluster validity indices (CVI/ICVI), a complement to my Julia implementation at ClusterValidityIndices.jl.
- metaicvi: a Python package for the MetaICVI hybrid unsupervised metric method that I coauthored, a complement to my Julia implementation at MetaICVI.jl.
- Research repos:
- DCCR: a research repository implementing the experiments for my paper Lifelong Context Recognition via Deep Feature Clustering
- Others:
- dark-future: a collection of original and modified VSCode color themes with a special focus on Python and Julia syntax highlighting.