This version 2.1 updates the application as follows:
- Migrated to React using Create React App.
- Updated Node modules to stable versions.
- Configured end-to-end (e2e) tests for the React front-end.
Back-End Updates:
- Flask endpoints were added to serve the React app build, manifest files, and provide updated metadata time information.
- Case-insensitive query handling for the Flask SQLite database.
- Fixed key errors in the latlon table dictionary object.
- Docker configuration updated to:
- Install the latest versions of Python 3 and pip using apt-get.
- Install stable versions of dependencies from requirements.txt.
What's Changed
- Space and Case insensitive query over sql by @praveenmurugan101 in #147
- React app layers by @praveenmurugan101 in #148
- SNP map Risk layer colouring fixes by @praveenmurugan101 in #149
- React version of ViewBovis by @praveenmurugan101 in #151
- Security Vulnerabilities fixes for dependencies by @praveenmurugan101 in #153
- Updates postcss to the latest stable version by @praveenmurugan101 in #154
- Updates the cookie package to a stable version by @praveenmurugan101 in #156
Full Changelog: v2.0...v2.1