Calculates the properties of silicon and diamond x-ray phase retarders.
PHARET is a user-friendly version of a computer program being developed by Lucas Ancieta, Senior at Oak Park and River Forest High School, and Dr. Daniel Haskel, Group Leader of the Magnetic Materials Department at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). The original program was written in Fortran by Dr. Daniel Haskel and is currently used by departmental staff to determine the offset required from the Bragg angle to create circularly polarizing x-rays with diamond and silicone lenses. However, the original program’ user interface is outdated and not user-friendly.
The user-friendly version was written in Python and incorporates a GUI. The required work was carried out as part of an internship granted by Dr. Daniel Haskel. Most of the programming and testing is now complete. The user-friendly version of the program is currently being installed at the beamline for users. Further revisions to the source code will be uploaded here when available. A scientific publication in a computational/educational journal is anticipated later in the year. (Lucas Ancieta:; Dr. Daniel Haskel: