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Cheat Sheet: Devices

Gilberto Fabbris edited this page Feb 27, 2021 · 6 revisions


Device Component Description
aps - APS machine parameters
- lifetime
- aps_cycle
- machine_status
- operating_mode
- shutter_permit
- fill_number
- orbit_correction
- global_feedback
- global_feedback_h
- global_feedback_v
- operator_messages
undulator.downstream - 4-ID-D undulator. All energies in keV.
- energy
- deadband
- backlash
- offset Energy offset to the monochromator.
- tracking Boolean flag to control energy tracking.


Device Component Description
mono - Kohzu monochromator. All energies in keV.
- energy
- x2
- y2
- z2
- thf2
- chi2
- tablex
- tabley

Phase Retarders

Device Component Sub-Component Description
pr1, pr2, or pr3 - - PR1, PR2 and PR3 phase retarders.
- th - PR theta motor - connected to .energy, moving .th updates .energy.
- energy - Energy pseudo motor - connected to .th, changing .energy moves .th
- x - x motor
- y - y motor
- select_pr - EPICS PV that selects the phase plate used
- d_spacing - Interplanar distance. Automatically updated when .select_pr is changed
- offset_degrees - PR offset in degrees. This is only used when .th is used to switch polarization.
- pzt - device that holds to PR pzt parameters and signals
- - localDC
- - center
- - offset_degrees PR offset in degrees. This is only used when .pzt.localDC is used to switch polarization. This updates the .offset_microns value.
- - offset_microns PR offset in microns, value is tied to the .offset_degrees via the .conversion_factor
- - conversion_factor
- - remote_setpoint
- - remote_readback
- - servoOn
- - servoOff
- - servoStatus
- - selectDC
- - selectAC
- - ACstatus

Toroidal and Flat Mirrors

Device Component Description
toroidal_mirror - Toroidal mirror
- bender
- stripe Selects which stripe to use: focussing, flat, or collimating
- angle Vertical angle
- y Vertical motor, EPICS moves .y_upstream and .y_downstream
- y_upstream
- y_downstream
- x_angle Horizontal angle
- x Horizontal motor, EPICS moves .x_upstream and .x_downstream
- x_upstream
- x_downstream
flat_mirror - flat mirror
- stripe Selects which stripe to use: Pd or Si
- angle Vertical angle
- y Vertical motor, EPICS moves .y_upstream and .y_downstream
- y_upstream
- y_downstream
- x_angle Horizontal angle
- x Horizontal motor, EPICS moves .x_upstream and .x_downstream
- x_upstream
- x_downstream


All slits have the same components. All centers and sizes are moved through the EPICS screen.

Device Component Description
wbslt, enslt, inslt, grdslt, detslt, or magslt - Slits
- top
- bot
- inb
- out
- vcen
- vsize
- hcen
- hsize


Both scalerD and scalerB are setup the same way. The monitor (time or one of the detectors) is controlled by changing the gates. The .preset_monitor changes the .preset of the device selected in ._monitor.

Device Component Sub-Component Description
scalerd and scalerb - - -
- channels.chan01, .chan02, ... - -
- - chname Channel name
- - s Counts
- - preset Value used if this is the monitor
- - gate Flag that this will be used to mark this channel as monitor
- preset_monitor - Signal that controls the mon
- count - Trigger
- time - Time readback
- freq - Frequency
- select_channels() - Function that selects the channels that will be read
- select_monitor() - Function that selects the channels that will be used as monitor
- select_plot_channels() - Function that selects the channels that will be plotted
- SetCountTimePlan() - Function that changes the count times this is used by qxscan
- GetCountTimePlan() - Function that reads the count time, this is used by qxscan


Filters have the same components.

Device Component Description
filter_pre8c and filter_tth slot1_name -
- slot2_name -
- slot3_name -
- slot4_name -
- slot2_name -
- slot1_position -
- slot2_position -
- slot3_position -
- slot4_position -


The fourc device is setup using hklpy. See this lesson to learn how to setup the UB matrix. Note that .h, .k, and .l are pseudo motors that are automatically updated by the real motors. They also behave as motors, if you move them it will move the real motors.

Device Component Description
fourc - Four circle diffractometer
- h, k, l Reciprocal space positions
- theta, chi, phi, tth Real space angles
- ath, achi, atth Analyzer angles
- x, y, z Sample position (cryostat carrier)
- tablex, tabley Diffractometer table x and y motors
- energy_update_calc_flag Flag that determines if the energy used in the HKL calculation will be updated by the
- energy_offset Offset between the and energy to be used in calculation



Other motors

Other Detectors