My name is Andrei (Eddie).
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@riaskov/vk-signin-widget - VK ID Sign-In Widget for React
@riaskov/mmap-io - Memory-mapped file I/O for Node.js
@riaskov/metro-ru - Russian Cities metro (subway) stations data with methods for calculating a distance between given coordinate and station (using Haversine formula).
@riaskov/xpub2address - Convert xpub to BTC address using derivation path. BIP49 (P2SH (Pay 2 Script Hash), 3-addresses) and BIP84 (bech32) are supported.
@riaskov/iohtee-abi-wrapper - IohTee ABI Wrapper is a TypeScript wrapper for EVM-compatible ABI of Solidity smartcontract. It takes raw json artifact file and render ready-to-use TS-wrapper. Use viem v2 internally.
@riaskov/iohtee-contracts - IohTee contracts is a TypeScript interface for Ethereum contracts managed by Hardhat used by IohTee.
@riaskov/iohtee - IohTee is a Node.js library for micropayments in Ether over HTTP. It allows you to send and receive a minuscule amount of money instantly.