Hi, this is a BETA Android app, that allow you to chat through NRF 24L01 modules with arduino. It is based on felHR85 UsbSerial library.
- USB OTG converter
- Arduino
- NRF 24L01 module
- Jumper wires
Upload the source code to the arduino (with Arduino IDE or ArduinoDroid), then connect the appropriate cables to the NRF 24L01 module. For example:
Arduino Nano | NRF24L01 |
3.3V | VCC |
10 | CSN |
9 | CE |
13 | SCK |
11 | MOSI |
12 | MISO |
Download apk and install (Android 4.2+), then set your name in the app setting. If you plug in the Arduino into your phone a permission request window will pop up, you have to accept it, after that you can chat.
I made a 3D Printed case for the electronics.
P.S. It's open source, you can use it as you want.