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resize photo

bmen edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 1 revision

Resize with a smartphone

To resize images you can use the App Telegram messenger, because many have it installed and it's easy to use. You can use any other app or method to resize and crop the images if you want. A website we recommend if you don't want to use an app is .

The following steps may vary a bit depending on the operating system on your phone and the apps you're using.

  • scroll to the profile image

  • long-tap on it and tap share image

  • select Telegram as sharing app

  • select saved messages (this may be translated to your local language in the app) in the contact list (We don't want to send the image to anybody. The saved messages behaves like a contact/group/channel, but isn't sent to anybody.). Then tap the "send" icon (small arrow)

  • check if cropping is needed:

    • The goal of this step is to make sure all images on LEAD are in a similar format. The visible image section should act as a good profile picture for the person. So, not too many unnecessary details that distract from the person.
    • Also the Aspect Ratio is important. Aspect Ratio means the width compared to the height.
      • Normally, the photos are a bit higher than wide.
      • They should not be more than 1,5 times high than wide (otherwise they would take much more space in the LEAD profile overview, which would be unfair)
      • On the other hand, the photo should also not be more wide than high - in other words, height should minimal be the width (a square). Otherwise the photo would take much less space in the LEAD profile overview, which would also be unfair.
    • If you decide some cropping/resizing is necessary, tap on . Then drag the corners until you're satisfied.
    • confirm with tapping on "cut" (or similar) and "send" (small arrow)
  • you now see the cropped image, telegram also made the resolution smaller, so that it will take less time to load

  • save image

    • tap on the picture in the chat view
    • tap on the icon with three dots over one another
    • tap "save to gallery"

    Resize with a laptop/computer

  • download image from the issue

  • open image in GIMP (you may need to download and install GIMP, also known as "GNU Image Manipulation Program")

  • check if cropping is needed:

    • The goal of this step is to make sure all images on LEAD are in a similar format.

    • go to tools > transform tools > crop

    • make sure in the lower left box of GIMP the option "Fixed Aspect Ratio" is selected, and that the checkbox in front of it is selected

    • in the text field below, type 1:1.5 (if it doesn't work, try 1:1,5 with a comma instead of a dot)

    • in the picture itself, drag a box with the mouse. Because we activated the Fixed Aspect Ratio, the box should always be 1.5 times higher than wide. Drag it as big as possible. If the box can go to the full width, but not the full height, you need to decide whether upper parts or lower parts of the image will be cropped, or a bit of both. To do that, move the box by dragging it. Only the parts inside the box will remain. When you are finished, hit the enter key.

    • If the box can go to the full height, but not the full width, it means that the aspect ratio is smaller than 1:1.5 . Normally that means that no cropping is needed. If the image is wider than it is high though, it should be cut to an aspect ratio of 1:1 .

  • check resolution:

    • The goal of this step is to reduce the file size if possible, so that the LEAD page doesn't use up too much data (relevant for regions where mobile data is expensive).

    • go to image > Scale Image. The height should be no bigger than 1000px. If it is too big:

    • in the field Height , type 1000 and press enter . (make sure the little chain symbol on the right of the Width and Height field is active - when you change the height, the width should change as well)

    • click "Scale"

  • save file: go to file > export as. As name, choose the name of the person in the profile, replace any blank spaces with a - (meaning a minus), and the ending of the file needs to be .jpg . Click export, and in the following window click export again.