A Python implementation of the Ice Particle Aggregate Simulator
It is recomended to clone this repository and put into a virtual environment due to the packages that will need to be installed.
*numpy *pandas *itertools *itemgetter *shapely *descartes *scipy *random *cloudpickle *multiprocessing *functools *dask ..and others..
Recommended to run in a python virtual environment
import numpy as np
from ipas import IceCrystal as crys
# create a hexagonal crystal centered at (1,0,0)
crystal = crys.IceCrystal(length=4, width=6, center=[1, 0, 0])
crystal.points # get a numpy array containing the crystal vertices
# rotate the crystal 45 degrees around the y-axis and 90 degrees
# around the z-axis
# return a shapely MultiLineString representing the crystal edges,
# which plots automatically in a jupyter notebook
# project the crystal onto the xy plane, returning a shapely Polygon
from ipas import IceCluster as clus
# use the crystal to start a cluster
cluster = clus.IceCluster(crystal)
# add a new crystal to the cluster
crystal2 = crys.IceCrystal(length=4, width=6)
This code can be run on a supercomputer and scaled up by relying on the dask delayed option making use of multiple workers and cores.
- Carl Schmitt, Vanessa Przybylo, William May, Kara Sulia
Based on work by: Carl Schmitt:
Schmitt, C. G. and A. J. Heymsfield, 2010: The dimensional characteristics of ice crystal aggregates from fractal geometry. J. Atmos. Sci., 1605–1616, doi:10.1175/2009JAS3187.1
Schmitt, C. G. and A. J. Heymsfield, 2014: Observational quantification of the separation of simple and complex atmospheric ice particles.Geophys. Res. Lett., 1301–1307, doi:80210.1002/2013GL058781
Nima Moshtagh for the fit-ellipse function