This responsive web application serves as a comprehensive solution for managing various aspects of college administration, including student information, faculty management, academic records, and administrative tasks.
User Roles:
- Student: Accesses academic records, course registrations, and feedback.
- Faculty: Manages attendance, grades and see feedback.
- Personalized dashboard providing an overview of key academic and administrative metrics.
- Student Management: Manage student information, registrations,check attendance and result, and academic progress .
- Faculty Management: Store faculty details, course grading, and mark attendance.
- Course Management: Create, modify, and manage courses offered by the college.
- Academic Records: Maintain student grades, transcripts, and attendance records.
MongoDB: Database to store item and user information Express.js: Backend framework for handling HTTP requests and routing React.js: Frontend library for building user interfaces Node.js: JavaScript runtime for server-side logic
The application includes two modules (client and server). For local developement, run npm install in client and server both directory which will install all dependencies accordingly. Before running this command please make sure your environment variables are setup accordingly.
What you need to run this code Node JS NPM or Yarn MongoDB
Make sure MongoDB is running on your system. Clone this repository. Update config.env with your MongoDB URI and Secret Key along with that define the port . Open command line in the cloned folder, To install dependencies, run npm install , for client and server both directory. To run the application , run node app.js or nodemon app.js , for server side. And run npm start , for client side. Open localhost:3001 in the browser
Inside config.env
PORT = 3000 MONGO_URI = your mongodb uri
npm install
npm install
npm start
node server.js